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  • Adult Sunday School | Small Groups | First United Methodist Church

    This will provide information on Sunday School classes and/or Small Groups that meet on a Sunday morning or throughout the week. ADULT SMALL GROUPS Connects all of us, young and old, to the Source of life. Provides an opportunity for continued growth. Transforms people and churches. Helps people become leaders. Provides a church family. Provides a safe place for people to make new friends and grow in their faith. Deepens people's knowledge and understanding of God's hand in all of life. The Christian life is lived out with people. We understand that growing one's faith requires the support, attention and nurturing that only small group can provide. Trusting relationships allow us to know one another deeply and to be known. What we receive from God is always matured, tested and developed in the context of people, like you, in God’s Church. Here at FUMC we value the time-proven experience of Christians meeting in home groups for the purpose of Fellowship, Bible Study, Missions, and growing, nurturing, and discipling people to become dynamic followers of Jesus Christ. We offer short-term and long-term classes to allow you to connect with others as you walk together on your faith journey. Our small groups are a way to get to know each other. A Discipleship Council has been implemented and their primary work is to develop effective small group discipleship ministry at the church. If you are interested in attending any of the currently functioning groups, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941 for contact information or the Group Leaders to confirm schedules. The small groups that are currently functioning are listed below; however some of these groups are meeting in-person and others virtually and are subject to change without notice on this page; please contact the Leader directly for current status : LifeGroups - Topic is "Healing" Mondays Led by: Ellen Marino Time: 10:00 am Where: At church Tuesdays Led by: Ann Moyer & Nancy Kraft (Ladies Only) When: 1:00 pm Where: At church Led by: JoAnn Daum (Ladies Only) When: 3:00 pm Where: Church cafe Led by: Mike & Joanne Forbes When: 6:00 pm Where: The Forbes' Home Led by: Wanda Langley (Over 50 Group/Seniors) When: 6:00 pm Where: At church Thursdays Led by: Eydie Reed When: 10:00 am Where: Being held virtually until further notice Led by: Gerri Inama When: 6:00 pm Where: The Inama’s Home Led by: Ralph & Julie Saunders When: 7:00 pm Where: Church cafe Saturdays Led by: Lisi Fisher & Barbara Brady (Girls, ages 13-25 years) When: 9:30 am Where: Church cafe Other Small Groups with a Non-Healing Focus Book of Daniel Led by: Ellen Marino When: 10:00 am Where: At church The Alpha Course (New Members or those who want to know more about Christianity) Led by: Greg & Dawn Fisher When: 6:00 pm Where: At church Wednesdays Accountability Group Led by: Doug O’Connell When: 6:30 am Where: Being held virtually until further notice. Thursdays Bible Study Led by: Doug O’Connell When: 7:00 pm Where: Being held virtually until further notice. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Doug O'Connell for a link to the Zoom meeting; or contact the Church Office. Saturdays Men's Breakfast When: Third Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM Where: Being held virtually until further notice.

  • Prayer Request | First United Methodist Church

    This page provides information on the importance of having prayer in your life. PRAYER MINISTRY Many of us have heard prayers from the time we were very young, beginning with "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep...". Most of us, too, have prayed for someone else or have received prayers on our behalf. We pray during loss or difficulty, praise, or worship. Why pray? We go to those we love and trust to share our joys, express appreciation, and ask for guidance and help. How much more love can we share with our Father in Heaven, the giver of life and provider of salvation, than to talk with Him and share with others? There is no doubt prayer is valued among people of faith but do you know of the prayers that continually rise from our church family? We have several prayer chains . When a need is received by the church office, through the website, or an email to the Prayer Coordinator, the chain begins. Soon, many are praying to Our Lord on someone's behalf. Often, a particular need is referred to a "prayer warrior", through the prayer chain or church office. Often the matter is confidential and the prayer warrior comes to the church to pray. We have a Wednesday evening prayer service where two or more faithful members meet regularly to pray for leaders, our congregation, guidance, and deliverance. We also have Prayer Team . One or two people sign up to pray for one hour a day for a week at a time to pray for the Kingdom of God to come more fully in our church and our community and beyond. Interested people can contact the Prayer Coordinator or sign-up on the clipboard that is circulated periodically on a Sunday morning. Our prayer room is located next to the church's Narthex and can be used for group or personal prayer. There is a prayer shawl ministry , where someone in need of prayer is gifted a personally crocheted or knitted shawl as a token of a small group's personal prayer. Many small groups meet on a regular basis and prayer is part of the group's time of sharing. Whether we participate in church prayer efforts, pray at family get-togethers, or prefer to lift petitions to our Lord silently in private, may each of us pray daily and talk with our Father, Savior, and Holy Spirit who guides us. May we remember, too, to give petitions and thanksgiving for others within our church family, our community, and beyond. And may the scripture "Pray without ceasing" (I Thessalonians 5:17) encourage us to lift up prayer for someone or something at any time our hearts want to talk to Him. (An observation shared by a prayer partner in our church family, minimally edited, and used with permission on the website.) Please consider joining your Brothers and Sisters in Christ in prayer. If you have a praise or need, contact the church office or submit your petition through the website by clicking the following link to our prayer request page .

  • Small Groups | First United Methodist Church

    This will provide information on Small Groups that meet on a Sunday morning or throughout the week. SMALL GROUPS (UPDATED 03/02/2021) FUMC promotes participation in Small Groups as a way to meet other Christians, participate in shared interests, support each other's needs, and build lasting friendships in a one-on-one setting with limited attendance. During the COVID-19 environment, we need the support of others and the ability to communicate with those of common interest. In the current environment, our Groups are in-person, virtual ( highlighted in this listing ), or blended (in-person and virtual ). If you have an interest in joining one of the groups below, contact the leader directly or if assistance is needed, contact . If Group Leaders need to change their meeting information, contact with updates. Life in Action Groups Our interest is in following Jesus' command to "go and make disciples". We study and practice within our Group and then go out into the community to make disciples. Recommended readings for this group are listed at the bottom of this page. Mondays Led by: Ellen Marino Study Book: Healing Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM (temporarily filled) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesdays Led by: Ann Moyer & Nancy Kraft Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 3:00 PM Led by: JoAnn Daum Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 3:00 PM Led by: Wanda Langley Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 6:00 PM Led by: Dave Williams Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: On-line (Google Meet) Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM (NEW ; starting 04/06/21) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Eydie Reed Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: On-line (WebEx) Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fridays Led by: Mary & Moffette Tharpe Studying: Parables Where: Home Frequency: Every other week, 6:30 PM (temporarily filled) Accountability Groups We are smaller groups which meet regularly to support and encourage each other in our walk of faith. Wednesdays Led by: Doug O'Connell Where: On-line Men's Class (Zoom) Frequency: Weekly, 6:30 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturdays Led by: Wanda Langley Where: Varies Frequency: Weekly, 8:00 AM (temporarily filled) Bible Study Groups Our interest is in-depth study of books of the Bible to better understand its teachings. Sundays Led by: Tom Reed Studying: Genesis Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, following worship service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesdays Led by: Shirley and Lenny Yenilaitus Studying: John Where: Home Frequency: Weekly, 6:30 PM (temporarily filled) Led by: Bonnie Hawley Studying: Old Testament Where: Home Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM (filled) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesdays Led by: Ellen Marino Studying: Daniel Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Doug O'Connell Studying: Revelation Where: On-line (Zoom); contact D O'Connell for link Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM Focused Groups We have a variety of Small Groups with specialized interests. When: TBD Led by: Karen Shiffert Type: Caregiver Support Group (New ) Where: Church ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundays Led by: Type: Alpha Course Class Where: Church Frequency: As needed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Gerri Inama Studying: 12 Extraordinary Women Where: Home Frequency: First three Thursdays of each month, 6:00 PM Led by: Gerri Inama Meal & Chat: Women encouraging women Where: Church Frequency: Last Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturdays Led by: Don Bergen Type: Men's Breakfast Video Series on Defending the Faith Where: Church Fellowship Hall & On-line (WebEx) Frequency: Third Saturday of each month, 8:00 AM If you would like to start a new Small Group, please contact the FUMC church office at 570.385.3941 for more information. LIFE IN ACTION GROUPS RECOMMENDED READINGS (UPDATED 03/02/2021) The books listed below have been reviewed by the Discipleship Council and are recommended for the Life in Action Groups to use as a guide in their mission to create disciples in response to Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19a. These books are generally available at and through other providers. Discipleship Plan Components Component 1 - Experience God "A Firm Foundation" by Wesleyan Covenant Association Hope and Vision for a new Methodist Future "Alpha Course" by Nicky Gumbel Creating space to explore life, faith, and meaning "Healing" by Francis MacNutt Provides a context within which to understand healing Component 2 - Follow the Lord Jesus Daily Devotions Component 3 - Share Life Together "The Class Meeting" by Kevin M. Watson A fresh new guide to the theory and practice of the Wesley class meeting "The Band Meeting" by Kevin M. Watson & Scott T. Kisker Demonstrates that the band meeting is not merely another church program Component 4 - Serve the Body of Christ "Healing" by Francis MacNutt Provides a context within which to understand healing Component 5 - Invest in Others "The Starfish Movement" by Dan Grider Shows how to fully engage with the original Movement that Jesus launched (suggested reading for leaders of Small Groups) "Crucial Conversations" by Dan Grider Draws our attention to those defining moments that literally shape our lives, our relationships, and our world "God Space" by Doug Pollock Naturally create room - God Space - for spiritual conversations to happen in your everyday life

  • List of Ministers | First United Methodist Church

    List of ministers and the years they served throughout the years at First United Methodist Church. LIST OF MINISTERS 1902-1905 Charles T. Isenberger 1908-1911 Christian G. Koppel 1912-1913 Charles E. Radcliffe 1913-1916 George W. Humphreys 1916-1918 Edwin F. Carson 1918-1920 Frederick W. Gutbub 1920-1922 Paul Barton 1922-1923 W. Sands Fox 1923-1925 Lehighton S. Palmer 1925-1926 Alexander K. Smith 1926-1928 Richard W. Wright 1928-1929 M. Raymond Meredith 1929-1935 Thomas R. Jeffery 1935-1939 Ralph B. McCuen 1939-1945 K. R. Boohar 1945-1947 Howard N. Reeves 1947-1951 Robert E. Kieffer, Jr. 1951-1953 George H. Curtis 1953-1960 Lee F. Adams, Sr. 1960-1968 Harold J. Hallam 1968-1973 David L. Fife 1973-1984 Theodore R. Ochs 1984-1993 Russell Wentling 1993-2003 Eric S. Ritz 2003-2005 Albert Mosley 2005-Present Christopher Fisher

  • The Altar Window | First United Methodist Church

    This is the stained glass window behind the altar in the sanctuary. THE ALTAR WINDOW Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. ~John 1:29 The stained glass window was designed and installed by Kim Bordner, a young man who used his talents for God’s glory. Much of the glass used in the window comes from our former church dwelling on St. John Street, reminding us of the past; and the newly added glass gives us a forward hopeful look. The Cross, the central figure of our Altar Window, captures the most intense demonstration of Christ’s love and power. The color of our cross represents Christ’s blood spilled out putting an end to ungodliness through the crucifixion, so that as Christians we are now free to live in Christ. The Lamb is the supreme symbol of innocence and gentleness. The lamb in Old Testament Scripture is the dominant sacrificial victim given up to atone for the sins of the people. In the New Testament (John 1:29), John the Baptist said upon seeing Jesus, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” The Dove represents the hovering of the Spirit of God over the Church, His people (Genesis 1:2). The Spirit of God descended “like a dove” upon Jesus at His baptism, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove upon us when we accept Jesus as Savior. We are baptized with the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ into our lives and this identifies our baptism with His baptism. The Plants remind us that in our commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to be continually growing in our relationship and as His disciples. For just as plants grow and are nourished with water in a firm foundation of soil, so must we, as followers of Christ, be planted firmly in His word and our growth nourished in the same manner. Our Altar Window is a beautiful reminder of God’s love. Each Sunday that we gather together in worship or any time we spend time in the sanctuary to commune with Him, we are reminded of His love, sacrifice, and victory. May our Altar Window allow God’s light to shine in our soul and give us a vision of His heavenly kingdom!

  • Weekly Announcements | First United Methodist Church

    This page shares announcements with planned events with days, times, contact, etc. Weekly Announcements These announcements are from the weekly bulletin and/or bi-monthly newsletter. You will find here information on regular announcements (i.e., signing up for newsletters, online giving) to special events scheduled. Please take some time to review these announcements. Prayer Opportunities | Prayer is such an important part of a church's life. FUMC offers many opportunities to strengthen your prayer life. Please check out our prayer ministry page . We offer prayer groups, a prayer chain, an intercessory prayer group, and many other opportunities to kneel before our Lord and Savior and share your burdens and worship and praise. For what other great nation has God so near to it as the Lord our God is whenever we call to him? ~Deuteronomy 4:7 (NRSV) Sunday Preaching Schedule (schedule may change without notice). Pastor Fisher preaching unless otherwise noted. Worship Services 9AM in the sanctuary and 11:00AM (Coffeehouse Worship) in fellowship hall Pastor Christopher Fisher (Individual message titles subject to change) February 9 - Pastor Ralph Saunders - "Called to be Holy" February 16 - Hebrews February 23 - Hebrews March Communion Offering TBD Coffeehouse Worship @ 11 AM. Coffeehouse service will finishing up the study on Advent and then will focus on the Book of Acts and the Holy Spirit. Methodist Women Events | We will continue to meet the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in Fellowship Hall unless otherwise announced. Our focus continues to be local mission work. All ladies are welcome. Please let us know of any ideas you have or issues that you would like more information. Requests for Prayer | Please remember to call the church office if you know of members in the hospital or if you are going to be in the hospital. A visit from our Pastor or visitation team can be arranged. Please continue to remember all those in the hospital, in mourning, and listed in the weekly bulletin in your prayers. Website Prayer Request Page: You may also submit a prayer request by accessing our prayer request page. Weekly Prayer Ministry | Wednesdays at 6 PM Our Prayer Ministry will also continue to run every day of the week with prayer partners meeting for one hour a day with a one-week-at-a time commitment. Please sign up in pairs to pray for one hour a day during your week for the Kingdom of God to come more fully in our church and our community and beyond. We will continue to promote the prayer team ministry on Sunday mornings with the prayer clipboard circulated periodically. Please join us as we seek God together! Next Community Lunch is February 8 at 12 PM All are welcome to share this time of fellowship. If you would like to sponsor a C ommunity Lunch, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941 for contact information regarding available dates. Men's Breakfast | February 15 at 8:00 AM For more information, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941. Choir Cantata | Saturday, April 19 at 6 PM The Choir will be sharing a beautiful cantata on Saturday, April 19 at 6PM. Please come and join us as we prepare for Easter Sunday. Behold the Lamb! is a musical and narrative journey that underscores the significant price that Jesus paid for our freedom and salvation. It recalls Israel's release from Egyptian bondage with the Passover Lamb, a foretelling of God's divine plan to provide the Holy Lamb as the ultimate sacrifice for our spiritual freedom. The despair of Christ's crucifixion eventually gives way to joy in a triumphant celebration of His resurrection! Blending original melodies with timeless hymns, Molly Ijames, Lloyd Larson, and Jay Rouse combine forces to create a compelling worship experience and a dramatic reminder of God's relentless love and grace. "GRAMMY NOMINATED JOHNATHAN BOND IN CONCERT" Sunday, June 29 at 9 AM Johnathan is a multi-award-winning writer - Dove Awards and Grammy Awards. He has been serving GOD in full-time ministry since 1995. God has opened up many doors for Johnathan. Some of his songs are "God's Still God", "Address Change", and "You Love Me Anyway". Here is Johnathan Bond's website if you want to check it out. Johnathan Bond of Young Harmony! There are times when things are not going well for each of us, perhaps we ourselves are sick, perhaps there are loved ones who are sick or hurting, maybe there is a family emergency or crisis, during these times you don't need to be alone. Our Pastors, Minister of Visitation, or even our Lay Leader would be very happy to come and visit with you. Before you reach a place where you feel alone and that no one cares, please call the Church Office and let the office staff know that you are in need of a visit. The message will be passed along quietly to the Pastors and a time for a personal visit can be arranged. Others of us tend to prefer to weather these times quietly and by ourselves; if that is you, please be aware that there is a Prayer Ministry team that is willing to intercede and pray for you. You can access the Prayer Ministry through the website, by calling the church office, or prayer chain . Most importantly, remember that you have a church family that is willing to walk along side of you at all times. Also, please know that you don't need to be a Pastor or Lay Leader to visit and care for your Brothers and Sisters in Christ. You can visit our homebound members. If you enjoy getting to know new people and would like to spend some time with members of our First Church family that can no longer make it to church on a Sunday morning, please call the Church office or simply put a note in the offering plate and someone will contact you. Thank you for taking the time to spend a few minutes sharing the love of Jesus with our members who can no longer come to church! Did you know…? CFC saves Redner’s receipts Do you shop at Redner’s? If so, do you have a Save‑A‑Tape /Pump Perks/Rewards Card? CFC participates in the Redner’s 1% Save‑A‑Tape program. Remember to use your Redner’s Save‑A‑Tape/Pump Perks/Rewards Card and put your entire receipt (must include their message "Visit us at " at the bottom for it be valid) in the wooden box on the shelf in the corner of the narthex marked Redner’s receipts. By using your rewards card each time you purchase merchandise (excludes, fuel purchases and items controlled by the federal or state government such as tax, milk, and tobacco products) at Redner’s Warehouse Markets, your receipt will be designated as a 1% Save‑A‑Tape customer receipt with a Save‑A‑Tape total printed on the receipt. Receipts that have been highlighted or written on are not eligible, so please do not mark or circle the receipts. Participating in the 1% Save‑A‑Tape program does not exclude your ability to receive gas points, etc. If you don’t already have a rewards card, you can pick one up at any Redner’s locations. The card is free and you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION to receive the card. Your name is not on any mailing list if you request a card. Our church gets 1% of the total of all receipts. For example, if the receipts total $5,000, we would get $50 to be put towards Christian Ed. Please consider participating in this easy program.

  • Resources | First United Methodist Church

    Provides forms to be utilizes and sharing of photos. WEBSITE RESOURCES United Methodist Church Official Web Site of the United Methodist Church [ ] The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church Official Web Site of our Conference [ ] BibleGateway Bible Gateway is a website that provides a tool for reading scripture online in a translation of your choice. It provides searching capabilities which will allow you to find and compare passages in scripture from different translations. [ ] Biblica Biblica is an International Bible Society with a worldwide ministry that has been helping people engage with God’s Word for over 200 years and are committed to bringing the Bible to people in a way they understand, so they can be transformed by Christ and inspired to join His mission for the world. [] Upper Room® The Upper Room® supports the spiritual growth of Christians wanting to know God and Grow in Him. The Upper Room® offers a daily devotional guide and many other publications and programs, prayer support, and resources to help all believers experience a deeper level of faith in our Loving God. [] Gretna Glen Camp Gretna Glen is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center located just east of Hershey amidst the beautiful forest and streams of Mt. Gretna, PA. The Camp’s Mission is to share the joy of knowing and following Jesus Christ. [] Pocono Plateau Camp Pocono Plateau is a year-round Christian Camp and Retreat center located on 750 acres of forest in the Pocono Mountains of Eastern Pennsylvania. [] Jewel Pregnancy Center Previously known as Care Net Pregnancy Center of Schuylkill County. Jewel Pregnancy Center is a Christian, non-profit organization that provides life affirming, evangelistic ministry to families facing an unplanned pregnancy. All services are free and confidential. [] Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. [] Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) The Wesleyan Covenant Association connects Spirit-filled, orthodox churches, clergy, and laity who hold to Wesleyan theology. It is an association or network of individuals and congregations who share a common understanding of our Wesleyan doctrine and desire to become a vibrant, faithful, growing 21st century church. [ ]

  • Live | Messages/Sermons | First United Methodist Church

    This is our livestream of Sunday messages. CFC WORSHIP LIVE-STREAM Our prayer is that each of these messages will touch and bless each of you in some way. Sunday, February 9, 2025 | 9:00 AM Pastor Ralph Saunders Message: "Called to be Holy" Order of Worship Online Giving Also Available On:

  • Igniting Your Faith Podcasts | havenfirstumc

    Igniting Your Faith is a regular podcast delivering messages from Dr. Chris Fisher. God’s Word, the love of God, and His truth bring power, faith, and healing, for a new and growing life. You can access Dr. Fisher’s sermons as a podcast and listen to them anytime. Our podcast is called, “Igniting Your Faith,” and can be found on all of your favorite podcast sites such as: Spotify, Apple, Pocket Casts, TuneIn, Pandora, and many more. You can listen to Dr. Fisher’s sermons at any time or download them for future listening. Go to any of the podcast sites and type: “Igniting Your Faith” in the search area. There are similar names, so type it as it is written. You will see a picture of our church’s altar window to help you find it. Let’s spread the word and encourage people to listen. This is a great way to spread God’s Word to the entire world. Remember, you can find these great messages on all of your favorite podcast sites and apps such as: Apple Podcasts TuneIn Spotify Pocket Casts Pandora And many more! Listen and re-listen again. Everyday that you live, God’s Word will be: “Igniting Your Faith!”

  • Committees | First United Methodist Church

    Provides a list of committees and their responsibilities. COMMITTEES CFC is comprised of many committees and leadership roles. Serving on a committee is just one way to share your diverse gifts and interact with those who share your interests and values. Below is a list of leadership roles and committees. Leadership Roles Senior Pastor Lay Leader Saturday Night & Sunday Worship Coordinators Treasurer Office Manager Administrative Board is comprised of the Chairperson of each Committee and other church leaders. At the regularly scheduled meetings, the Board hears reports from the church staff and each of the active Committees. Committees Communications / Media & Technology | The purpose of the Committee is to be the responsible body for the timely internal and external communications about our church's programs, services, people, events, activities, outreach, and missions. This would encompass the faithful and spiritual implementation of all our church's marketing, public relations, and providing advertising information to committees for their individual needs. Our mission is to implement methods and means of communicating fully and completely about who we are and what we do as a church in order to strengthen our bonds as a Body of Christ, not only as members within our own church, but as evangelists to the community at large. The purpose of the Media and Technology Committee is to provide technological assistance for the service of the church's ministries. The scope of the Committee is to establish and/or maintain the different technological programs in the church's ministry, to include service multi-media operations, slides creation, satellite TV operations, website maintenance, and church IT protection. Community Relations and Outreach | The purpose of our Community Relations and Outreach Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by providing opportunities to minister to all we meet. We are blessed to be able to serve in the mission field in our community as we partner with local organizations and communities to build relationships and provide opportunities to share God’s love and plan of salvation. Our vision is simple - to love God and love our neighbors! Discipleship | There are many different opportunities for members of all ages and stages to learn about the Bible's teachings and living the life of the gospel in today's world. The Committee is responsible for our Sunday School curriculum for youth and adults, as well as the summer Outreach program, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, various Christmas programs, among others. The Committee: recruits teachers, chooses material, plans and runs the summer Outreach program along with volunteers. The Committee is always looking for members as well as dedicated Sunday School teachers. Anyone interested in becoming active in the education of both youth and adults within our church are welcome to attend and get involved in the education of all. Fellowship and Hospitality | Although the Committee is unique in its function, their goal is in bringing together the members of the congregation and their family and friends into one body to share and live out the Gospel. Fellowship’s function is to plan social activities for the congregation to come together as a church family. Finance | The primary responsibility of the Committee is to enable and support the ministries of CFC. The Committee evaluates the financial needs of the congregation with the preparation of the annual budget, reviews and advises AdBoard on giving patterns and the financial health of CFC, reviews and advises on the use of special gifts and memorials, supervises an audit of all financial records and procedures, and monitors invested funds. Another responsibility of the Committee is to promote good stewardship by leading the congregation to higher levels of proportionate giving as God has given us all that we have, let us give back to God first, as he commands us to do. Let our gifts enable our congregation to do God's work. Health and Welfare | Works in conjunction with the Parish Nurse in serving the congregation in different health-related areas and provides monthly blood pressure screenings. The Committee provides programs to improve the health of body, mind, and spirit. Some of the programs the Committee provided in the past to enhance the health of the congregation are "The Walk to Bethlehem", Medication Education, Advance Directives, "Get My People Going", established the Caregivers Conference, and played an instrumental part in getting the automatic external defibrillator (AED) for the church. Lay Leadership | Lay leadership is composed of professing members and the charge of this committee is to identify, develop, organize, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leadership of the congregation. Members of the committee shall engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church. Membership | Although the Committee is unique in its function, they share a common goal with the Evangelism and Fellowship Committees in the bringing together the members of the congregation and community into one body to share and live out the Gospel. Membership’s focus is to audit the membership and manage visitation. Missions & Social Concerns | This ministry of the church recruits and oversees the adult mission teams sent out by the Church, including Volunteer in Mission (VIM) teams; oversees support for missionaries and Christian organizations sponsored by the Church; oversees periodic missions conferences; provides support and connection for the various social and missional outreach programs of the church, including the Vineyard Ministry, Meals Ministry, and Community Lunch. Parish Nurse | Is a member of the ministerial team providing health services focusing on the holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit to the members of the church and the community beyond. The Parish Nurse does not provide medical treatment or hands-on care but is a Health Educator (providing educational materials and programs about health topics), a Health Counselor (increasing members' awareness of health issues), a Referral Source (providing information about and assists with community resource linkage), and a Resource (consulting/answering questions about health issues or navigation of the health system). SPRC | Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is the administrative unit where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. SPRC confers with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, assesses the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor, supports continuing education for all staff, identifies and supports individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry, makes recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits and housing to the church council, and recommends needed staff positions and develops written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff. Trustees | The Trustees is responsible for taking care of the church grounds, buildings, and parsonage. The Committee's goal is to provide a safe and comfortable house of worship and to keep the church property in good repair. The Committee is responsible for routine repair and maintenance as well as any required capital projects (i.e., heating and electrical systems, roof, etc.). They also organize the "Church Clean-Up Day" which relies on volunteers to assist in pre-determined tasks. Worship | The Committee is comprised of willing workers who are committed and dedicated to providing a meaningful worship experience by overseeing the worship services throughout the church year; organizing the various choirs, praise teams, and hand bells; purchasing and scheduling of music; maintaining the piano and organ; seeking guest musicians and presenters for the services; providing palms, candles, communion elements, Bibles and hymnals for the pews, and coordinates the anniversary dinner. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring proper licensing and approvals are in place for streaming and/or recording music, scripture, etc. Youth Council | Youth Council is structured in a way to equip and empower our young people to be active leaders within our ministry and play a critical role in the planning and execution of our ministry and outreach. For more information on ways to get involved and serve with CFC Ministries, click here.

  • Confirmation Class | First United Methodist Church

    Details on our confirmation process. CONFIRMATION CLASS About Confirmation Confirmation provides the opportunity to affirm and own for yourself the faith in which your parents have raised you - to begin the steps toward your adult commitment to Christ. At the core of the confirmation process is discipleship- your spiritual development as you take up the call to be disciples of Jesus Christ in your lifestyle, beliefs, values, and witness. Students will have the opportunity to take classes and meet with Pastor Fisher. This will be a great time to ask your hard questions about life and God, learn why faith in Jesus Christ is justified, and take the steps yourself to confirm your faith as a Christian. You will also have the opportunity to develop a special discipling relationship with a mentor in a small group setting, who will serve as a guide and adult friend to you in your faith. Confirmation is for Youth entering 7th and 8th grades. If you have any questions about Confirmation, please contact the Church Office. Pastor Fisher will gladly answer your questions.

  • Submit Prayer Request | First United Methodist Church

    This page provides an opportunity to all to submit a prayer request to the church prayer chain with as much or as little information you're comfortable providing. PRAYER REQUESTS 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) tells us to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Are you or someone you know in need of prayer? How may we pray for you? God cares about you, your family, and your friends. Scripture tells us to give our problems and worries to Him. CFC and our Prayer Team would like to help you present them to God and ask Him to show His love to you by working in your life. CFC offers various ways to request and receive prayer for you and your loved ones. We offer: An active Prayer Chain. Prayer requests may be submitted by sending an email to or be called into the Church Office (570.385.3941) Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Prayer request cards are available in the pews; you may complete a card on a Sunday morning & place it in the prayer card collection during the first hymn. Below is a Prayer Request Box. To help us pray for your specific situation, please take a moment to submit your request. All submissions in the Prayer Request Form are emailed to a member of the CFC Prayer Chain and then will be sent forth to have many people praying for you. Prayer Request Submit Thanks for submitting! We will be praying for you or the person(s) in your request.

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