Sunday Mornings | | Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall
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- Resources | First United Methodist Church
WEBSITE RESOURCES United Methodist Church Official Web Site of the United Methodist Church [ ] The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church Official Web Site of our Conference [ ] BibleGateway Bible Gateway is a website that provides a tool for reading scripture online in a translation of your choice. It provides searching capabilities which will allow you to find and compare passages in scripture from different translations. [ ] Biblica Biblica is an International Bible Society with a worldwide ministry that has been helping people engage with God’s Word for over 200 years and are committed to bringing the Bible to people in a way they understand, so they can be transformed by Christ and inspired to join His mission for the world. [] Upper Room® The Upper Room® supports the spiritual growth of Christians wanting to know God and Grow in Him. The Upper Room® offers a daily devotional guide and many other publications and programs, prayer support, and resources to help all believers experience a deeper level of faith in our Loving God. [] Gretna Glen Camp Gretna Glen is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center located just east of Hershey amidst the beautiful forest and streams of Mt. Gretna, PA. The Camp’s Mission is to share the joy of knowing and following Jesus Christ. [] Pocono Plateau Camp Pocono Plateau is a year-round Christian Camp and Retreat center located on 750 acres of forest in the Pocono Mountains of Eastern Pennsylvania. [] Jewel Pregnancy Center Previously known as Care Net Pregnancy Center of Schuylkill County. Jewel Pregnancy Center is a Christian, non-profit organization that provides life affirming, evangelistic ministry to families facing an unplanned pregnancy. All services are free and confidential. [] Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. [] Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) The Wesleyan Covenant Association connects Spirit-filled, orthodox churches, clergy, and laity who hold to Wesleyan theology. It is an association or network of individuals and congregations who share a common understanding of our Wesleyan doctrine and desire to become a vibrant, faithful, growing 21st century church. [ ]
- Attendance Form | havenfirstumc
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE FORM Thank you for joining us for worship! Please complete our attendance form to let us know you're worshiping with us today. Follow this link to give your tithes and offerings: Enter Your Name Enter Your Email Phone Number Street Address City State Zip Next Steps I would like to talk to the Pastor. I would like a visit by the Pastor. I am interested in joining a small group! I would like more information on the ministries. I would like to learn more about membership! Submit Please list all who are worshiping with you today This is my first time visiting First Church Praying Together What prayer requests would you like shared with our Prayer Chain? What prayer requests would you like to be kept confidential with the pastor? Thanks for worshiping with us today!
- Gallery | Photos | First United Methodist Church
GALLERY Pastor Fisher - Communion Meat Pie Fundraiser 2020 Ignite Food Drive - February 2020 Volunteering at SPCA - 2019 Winterblast 2020 Methodist Women - Making Fidget Blankets 2019 SummerBlast 2019 Caregiver Seminar 2019 Puerto Rico Mission Team 2019 Sledding at WinterBlast 2020 Ignite Group 2020 2020 Father Daughter Dance
- Devotional Podcast | havenfirstumc
Are you going through a difficult time? Are you worried, sick, lonely, down-and-out? For over two thousand years, Christians around the world have depended on Jesus to help them get through the tough times. This CD will explain how to live a victorious life now and throughout eternity by relying on the power of Jesus Christ.
- Online Giving | First United Methodist Church
Online Giving "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." - Psalm 118:1 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." - Malachi 3:10 We are pleased to offer a number of secure and convenient methods to present your tithes and offerings electronically. We recently migrated to a new platform powered By Vanco Payment Solutions. The first time you use the new service you will need to setup an account. You may also wish to consider setting up a recurring donation. Via the Web Via Mobile App
- Live | Messages/Sermons | First United Methodist Church
FUMC WORSHIP On Demand Library Our prayer is that each of these messages will touch and bless each of you in some way. Online Giving Also Available On:
- Children (Age 4 to 4th Grade) | First United Methodist Church
Connection Classes for Children [ The Little Children and Jesus ] People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~Luke 18:15-17 Sunday School Connection Classes for children ages 4 through 4th grade are held Sunday mornings from 10:30 am – 11:30 am during the school year. Classes begin with large group time as we sing, dance, fellowship, and learn about the Bible lesson of the week and are followed by small group learning in individual rooms as children share and apply what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Our Sunday School program is a place where games, activities, contemporary music, and creative teachings of the Bible truths are used to reach this generation of kids in a way that is fun and relevant to them. Shepherded by loving adult leaders who teach and model for them what it means to be a follower of Jesus, your child will be supported, encouraged, and prayed for as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- 2021 Small Group Plan | First United Methodist Church
The Discipleship Council's 2021 Small Group Plan was developed based on the June 23, 2019 FUMC Discipleship Plan and approved on March 23, 2021. If you have any questions on the 2021 Small Group Plan, contact the church office or any member of the Discipleship Council to discuss further. 2021 SMALL GROUP PLAN visual overview of the FUMC discipleship process
- Youth Form(s) | First United Methodist Church
PHOTO RELEASE FORM All Photographers (professional and non-professional) taking photographs on First United Methodist Church property of events must obtain a signed release form from any and all persons or members of the public who is visibly recognizable in the photograph. Crowd scenes where no single person is the dominant feature are exempt. These rules govern photographs intended for use in any publication of marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, view books, promotional or other such material. Releases also must be obtained for photographs and other forms of media used in slide presentations, on the church website, directory, newsletter, brochure, or in any other material. A failure by you to notify the church of your desire “not” to have your photo in any publication or web view is an automatic understanding that you do not object in any way of the use of any and all photographs of you by First United Methodist Church. By completing the Photo Release Form, you hereby grant First United Methodist Church permission to use yourself or your family’s likeness in photograph(s)/video in any and all church publications, marketing materials, websites, brochures, and all other related media, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by First United Methodist Church and will make no monetary or other claim against First United Methodist Church for the use of any and all photograph(s)/videos of me or my family. Photography consent & release form First Name Last Name Email Date of Birth Initials I hereby give my consent to use my photographs according to the terms & conditions Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Youth - Summer Bible Study | First United Methodist Church
A Charlie Brown Christmas Party! Children ages 4 and older are invited to join us for pizza, games, a movie, & a craft on Sunday, December 10 from 4-7 PM while parents can get ready for Christmas or enjoy a night out. Registration is free but a must! Register by filling out the form below by December 3 . Registration for Charlie Brown Christmas Party Parent's First Name Parent's Last Name Email Phone Number of Children Attending Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Youth Ministry | First United Methodist Church
Opportunities for Christian Discipleship and Fellowship at FUMC... The teen years are critical times for a healthy connection with a church family and we believe our youth carry great potential to be disciples who make disciples as they seek to live out their faith together - as one big family of faith. Our iGnite youth are truly world changers who are hungry and thirsty for more of God and long for authentic relationships with Him and each other. We tackle topics that are meaningful to students today. We believe in equipping and empowering young people to be the hands and feet of Christ - to be servant leaders in a world that is longing for something worth living and dying for. We find no greater cause, than the cause of Christ. Feel like something is missing in your life? Seeking something more? Come check us out! We provide weekly opportunities for teens to grow in their relationship with the LORD and with each other. Please view our calendar for specific dates, times, and locations of upcoming events. iGnite Jr. for students in grades 5 through 8. iGnite Sr. for students in grades 9 through 12. iGnite Jr. High Calendar of events iGnite Sr. High Calendar of Events To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.