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- Mural of the Lord's Supper and Crosses | First United Methodist Church
MURAL OF THE LORD'S SUPPER AND CROSSES This Lord’s Supper Mural is given to the glory of God in loving memory of Charles C. Reading and Charles I. Reading. There is an ancient proverb that shares the insight “A picture tells a thousand words.” The beauty of this Lord’s Supper Mural is that it tells the story of salvation in a way that is beyond the power of words to express. Truth is conveyed not only by wisdom and intellect, but by the heart expressed in art. The sacraments have been called “sermons in action.” A famous layperson once said: “I would rather see a sermon than just hear one.” The Lord’s Supper is at the heart of our Christian faith. Here we see the love of God in action. This Lord’s Supper Mural depicting Jesus Christ our Lord and the twelve disciples tells the grand story of salvation and the divine—human encounter in a very dramatic way. The cross tells the marvelous message of God’s love entering the human struggle to liberate us from the paralyzing powers of sin and death. It should be noted that our Lord gathered his disciples at a TABLE rather than an altar. The table is a place where the warmth of friendship and the bond of true intimacy with the host can take place. JESUS IS ALWAYS THE HOST , as the large Christ cross demonstrates in a vivid way. The LARGE CHRIST CROSS is a vivid reminder that Jesus Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. The cross is the only authentic sign of love in our fallen world. The cross is a powerful reminder of how far humanity will go in hate. However, it represents how far Christ will go to demonstrate his love for us. The other TWELVE CROSSES demonstrate how the message of the cross lives on in the lives of the twelve disciples and the cultures they impacted with the gospel. The story continues on. It cannot be stopped. The message continues to call people of every age, race, class, gender, and color to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The LORD’S SUPPER TABLE reminds us that God continues to invite us to commune with him and to develop an intimate relationship with him through the Lord’s Supper. It further reminds us that we are a community of faith where all worldly distinctions face and we are a true family of believers. The BREAD AND CHALICE represent the ongoing nourishment and nurture that God provides for those who love and serve him and the strength and courage needed to follow the example of Christ. The SPOTLIGHTS remind us that Jesus Christ is the true light of the world and that we should at all times keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. The one true light has entered human history and the powers of darkness are unable to extinguish the light. The MONEYBAG reminds us of the tragic consequences of listening to anything except God’s word and will. Only God can meet the deepest needs and longings of the human spirit. However, all the crosses together remind us that there is more grace in God than sin in us. God is faithful to his covenant that he established and sealed with his own death and shed blood. There is no sin he cannot forgive and no person he will ever cast out. This is the good news of the gospel that God has called us to share and proclaim each day until he comes again. May all who view this Lord’s Supper Mural be renewed by the good news of the gospel that all of human life can be released from the bondage of sin and death and then be refreshed by the living bread and the cup of salvation. May the words of Charles Wesley inspire us each time we commune at a Lord's Supper observance: How happy are Thy servants Lord, Who thus remember Thee! What tongue can tell our sweet accord, Our perfect harmony? Who Thy mysterious Supper share, Here at Thy Table fed, Many, and yet but one we are, One undivided Bread. One with the Living Bread Divine, Which now by faith we eat; Our hearts, and minds, and spirits join, And all in Jesus meet. So dear the tie where souls agree In Jesu's dying love; Then only can it closer be, When all are join'd above. Amen. To learn more about the crosses depicted in the mural, click here to view a Legend for the Lord's Supper Mural and Crosses .
- Small Groups | First United Methodist Church
SMALL GROUPS (UPDATED 03/02/2021) FUMC promotes participation in Small Groups as a way to meet other Christians, participate in shared interests, support each other's needs, and build lasting friendships in a one-on-one setting with limited attendance. During the COVID-19 environment, we need the support of others and the ability to communicate with those of common interest. In the current environment, our Groups are in-person, virtual ( highlighted in this listing ), or blended (in-person and virtual ). If you have an interest in joining one of the groups below, contact the leader directly or if assistance is needed, contact . If Group Leaders need to change their meeting information, contact with updates. Life in Action Groups Our interest is in following Jesus' command to "go and make disciples". We study and practice within our Group and then go out into the community to make disciples. Recommended readings for this group are listed at the bottom of this page. Mondays Led by: Ellen Marino Study Book: Healing Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM (temporarily filled) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesdays Led by: Ann Moyer & Nancy Kraft Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 3:00 PM Led by: JoAnn Daum Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 3:00 PM Led by: Wanda Langley Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 6:00 PM Led by: Dave Williams Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: On-line (Google Meet) Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM (NEW ; starting 04/06/21) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Eydie Reed Study Book: Crucial Conversations Where: On-line (WebEx) Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fridays Led by: Mary & Moffette Tharpe Studying: Parables Where: Home Frequency: Every other week, 6:30 PM (temporarily filled) Accountability Groups We are smaller groups which meet regularly to support and encourage each other in our walk of faith. Wednesdays Led by: Doug O'Connell Where: On-line Men's Class (Zoom) Frequency: Weekly, 6:30 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturdays Led by: Wanda Langley Where: Varies Frequency: Weekly, 8:00 AM (temporarily filled) Bible Study Groups Our interest is in-depth study of books of the Bible to better understand its teachings. Sundays Led by: Tom Reed Studying: Genesis Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, following worship service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesdays Led by: Shirley and Lenny Yenilaitus Studying: John Where: Home Frequency: Weekly, 6:30 PM (temporarily filled) Led by: Bonnie Hawley Studying: Old Testament Where: Home Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM (filled) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesdays Led by: Ellen Marino Studying: Daniel Where: Church Frequency: Weekly, 10:00 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Doug O'Connell Studying: Revelation Where: On-line (Zoom); contact D O'Connell for link Frequency: Weekly, 7:00 PM Focused Groups We have a variety of Small Groups with specialized interests. When: TBD Led by: Karen Shiffert Type: Caregiver Support Group (New ) Where: Church ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundays Led by: Type: Alpha Course Class Where: Church Frequency: As needed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursdays Led by: Gerri Inama Studying: 12 Extraordinary Women Where: Home Frequency: First three Thursdays of each month, 6:00 PM Led by: Gerri Inama Meal & Chat: Women encouraging women Where: Church Frequency: Last Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturdays Led by: Don Bergen Type: Men's Breakfast Video Series on Defending the Faith Where: Church Fellowship Hall & On-line (WebEx) Frequency: Third Saturday of each month, 8:00 AM If you would like to start a new Small Group, please contact the FUMC church office at 570.385.3941 for more information. LIFE IN ACTION GROUPS RECOMMENDED READINGS (UPDATED 03/02/2021) The books listed below have been reviewed by the Discipleship Council and are recommended for the Life in Action Groups to use as a guide in their mission to create disciples in response to Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19a. These books are generally available at and through other providers. Discipleship Plan Components Component 1 - Experience God "A Firm Foundation" by Wesleyan Covenant Association Hope and Vision for a new Methodist Future "Alpha Course" by Nicky Gumbel Creating space to explore life, faith, and meaning "Healing" by Francis MacNutt Provides a context within which to understand healing Component 2 - Follow the Lord Jesus Daily Devotions Component 3 - Share Life Together "The Class Meeting" by Kevin M. Watson A fresh new guide to the theory and practice of the Wesley class meeting "The Band Meeting" by Kevin M. Watson & Scott T. Kisker Demonstrates that the band meeting is not merely another church program Component 4 - Serve the Body of Christ "Healing" by Francis MacNutt Provides a context within which to understand healing Component 5 - Invest in Others "The Starfish Movement" by Dan Grider Shows how to fully engage with the original Movement that Jesus launched (suggested reading for leaders of Small Groups) "Crucial Conversations" by Dan Grider Draws our attention to those defining moments that literally shape our lives, our relationships, and our world "God Space" by Doug Pollock Naturally create room - God Space - for spiritual conversations to happen in your everyday life
- Youth - Links to Websites | First United Methodist Church
LINKS - YOUTH CULTURE On this page, you will find links to websites that are focused on Youth Culture. If you have a website that you'd like to see added to our Links pages, simply email the church webmaster . CCM Magazine - Christ.Community.Music. | CCM Magazine is the No. 1 source for all things Christian music, news and entertainment! CCM Magazine explores redemptive music and the community and culture it impacts, including artist interviews, album reviews, contests, exclusive video and more. Click here to access CCM Magazine . CPYU - Understanding Today's Youth Culture | The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers. At a time when an already confusing youth culture is changing quickly, CPYU helps parents, youth workers, educators, and others understand teenagers and their culture so that they will be better equipped to help children and teens navigate the challenging world of adolescence. Click here to visit CPYU . Devo | devozine® is a devotional magazine designed just for youth and published by The Upper Room® in Nashville, Tennessee. devozine® is written by young people and by adults who work with them and love them. devozine’s purpose is to help young people 14–19 years old develop a lifelong practice of spending time with God and of reflecting on what God is doing in their lives. Click here to visit DEVO . InterVarsity | InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty. Click here to visit InterVarsity . PLUGGED IN Online | Reviews movies, videos, music, TV and games from a Christian perspective. We're shining a light on the world of popular entertainment. Click here to access PLUGGED IN. Youth Worker Journal | Leading resource for youth pastors throughout North America and elsewhere in the world. Provides solutions to everyday youth ministry challenges and address important theological issues involved in youth ministry today. Click here to visit YOUTH WORKER JOURNAL . YWAM | Youth with a Mission (YWAM) is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. Click here to visit YWAM . LINKS - COLLEGE CORNER On this page, you will find links to websites that are focused on the College Culture. You've heard it before: Students enter college Christian, but graduate atheist, Buddhist, Jedi, whatever. This page will be dedicated for college students, or those preparing for the college transition, who want to know and confidently discuss the Christian worldview. Our hope is that you'll graduate with your faith not only intact, but stronger than it was before. If you have a website that you'd like to see added to our Links pages, simply email the church webmaster . CCO - Coalition for Christian Outreach | The CCO is a campus ministry that partners with churches, colleges and other organizations to develop men and women who live out their Christian faith in every area of life. Click here to access the CCO website . Chi Alpha | Chi Alpha is a network of Christian ministries that look a little bit different on every campus – but here’s what you’re always sure to find: college-age men and women who are at once wrestling to become who they are (through school or work or life experience), and to connect with God. Click here to access the Chi Alpha website . Campus Crusade for Christ | The purpose of Campus Crusade for Christ is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship. Click here to access the Campus Crusade for Christ website . True U - A Place to Discover the Truth | Focus on the Family's TrueU is a video curriculum that offers an introduction to apologetics (a defense of belief in God) that aims to help reverse this trend. The series equips students to stand up for their beliefs in the face of a culture that tells them their faith is absurd, obsolete and impractical. Click here to access the True U website .
- Youth Fun-Raisers | havenfirstumc
Join Our Online Event Attend from your own home! First name Last name Email Code Select Phone Company Submit Thanks for registering.
- Resources | First United Methodist Church
WEBSITE RESOURCES United Methodist Church Official Web Site of the United Methodist Church [ ] The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church Official Web Site of our Conference [ ] BibleGateway Bible Gateway is a website that provides a tool for reading scripture online in a translation of your choice. It provides searching capabilities which will allow you to find and compare passages in scripture from different translations. [ ] Biblica Biblica is an International Bible Society with a worldwide ministry that has been helping people engage with God’s Word for over 200 years and are committed to bringing the Bible to people in a way they understand, so they can be transformed by Christ and inspired to join His mission for the world. [] Upper Room® The Upper Room® supports the spiritual growth of Christians wanting to know God and Grow in Him. The Upper Room® offers a daily devotional guide and many other publications and programs, prayer support, and resources to help all believers experience a deeper level of faith in our Loving God. [] Gretna Glen Camp Gretna Glen is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center located just east of Hershey amidst the beautiful forest and streams of Mt. Gretna, PA. The Camp’s Mission is to share the joy of knowing and following Jesus Christ. [] Pocono Plateau Camp Pocono Plateau is a year-round Christian Camp and Retreat center located on 750 acres of forest in the Pocono Mountains of Eastern Pennsylvania. [] Jewel Pregnancy Center Previously known as Care Net Pregnancy Center of Schuylkill County. Jewel Pregnancy Center is a Christian, non-profit organization that provides life affirming, evangelistic ministry to families facing an unplanned pregnancy. All services are free and confidential. [] Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. [] Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) The Wesleyan Covenant Association connects Spirit-filled, orthodox churches, clergy, and laity who hold to Wesleyan theology. It is an association or network of individuals and congregations who share a common understanding of our Wesleyan doctrine and desire to become a vibrant, faithful, growing 21st century church. [ ]
- Men's & Women's Groups | First United Methodist Church
MEN'S AND WOMEN'S GROUPS Men's Breakfast Group A fellowship opportunity open to all Christian men in the community. Meets the third Saturday each month at 8:00 am for inspiration, study, and fellowship. Methodist Women Methodist Women's Ministries formerly known as United Methodist women is a group whose goal is to show the love of Christ through its giving to local and national mission projects and doing hands-on mission work for the local community. Time is spent learning about social justice issues then walking the talk by raising money to aid those in need. The group also does various collections for local missions.
- A Word from the Pastor | havenfirstumc
A word to encourage you and strengthen you in your faith, and to let you know what is happening in the life of our church. To access these video messages from Pastor Fisher, please click on the link of interest. December 23, 2021 Dear Members and Friends of Schuylkill Haven First UMC, Below is a link to the Pastor's Chat Dec 23 video for the Christmas holidays, with announcements about upcoming church events. Enjoy! Merry Christmas and many blessings in the new year! Pastor Chris November 24, 2021 Dear FUMC Congregation, I invite you to view/listen to today's Pastor's Chat, for Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Here's the link: Happy Thanksgiving! Please take a few moments to view the Pastor's Chat video for Thanksgiving (11/24) at the link printed above. It contains a short Thanksgiving devotion and highlights news about several upcoming events in the life of the church. Thank you!!. Yours in Christ, Pastor Fisher May 18, 2021 Dear FUMC Congregation, I invite you to view/listen to today's Pastor's Chat, for Tuesday May 18, 2021. Here's the link: It includes updates on lifting more Covid restrictions at Church, including mask wearing changes in light of new CDC/PA Health Dept. Guidelines; plus Graduate Recognition Sunday (May 30), and preparing for a new floor in Fellowship Hall in early June. Closing with a short devotion from Hebrews and prayer. Yours in Christ, Pastor Fisher March 31, 2021 Dear Friends of First UMC Schuylkill Haven, Here is my Pastor's chat video for March 31, 2021, with updates on Holy Week and our latest church Covid quarantine policy update. Enjoy. Here's the link: Happy Easter! I hope to see you this Holy Week! Pastor Fisher March 3, 2021 It contains updates on live worship and on small group ministry, with a short devotion from Luke 6. Here's the link: Enjoy! Blessings! Pastor Fisher January 27, 2021 Pastor's Message with Devotions and Upcoming Lent Series It is 5 minutes long, and includes a brief devotion and news on our upcoming Lent series, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17. Enjoy viewing! December 23, 2020 Pastor's Message with Devotions and Christmas Season News Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! Here is a link to a short video with news on Christmas Eve worship plans, re-assurances about Covid-19's impact on the congregation, and a few other year-end items of church news. December 9, 2020 Pastor's Message with Devotions and Christmas Season News Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! Here is a link to a short video sharing devotions and Christmas season news, including an update on Christmas Eve worship plans. November 25, 2020 Pastor's Thanksgiving Message with Covid Worship Protocols Update Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! Here is a link to a short video wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and giving an update on our church's latest Covid protocols. November 11, 2020 Brief devotion on Psalm 128, some updates on our church's Coronavirus response, and highlighting this Saturday November 14 Thanksgiving Lunch at noon November 4, 2020 Psalm 121 devotion, Sunday 11/8 Anniversary Sunday update, and Wesley Covenant Association simulcast invitation for Saturday, 11/7 October 21, 2020 Pastor's Chat on Coronavirus Safety Measures September 30, 2020 Discipleship and Small Groups Ministry
- Serving This Week | First United Methodist Church
Serving this week... (Sunday Service) Welcome & Announcements . Liturgist. Message. Organist/Pianist. Music Team. Parish Nurse. Acolyte. Greeters/Ushers. Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer. **Volunteers listed below are subject to change without notice** Mrs. Ann Moyer. Mrs. Ann Moyer. Rev. Dr. Christopher Fisher. Mrs. Cindy McClelland. Praise Team. Mrs. Ann Moyer. Mrs. Julie Saunders. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Kraft. . Flowers... January 26. . Are you interested in sponsoring the altar flowers for a Sunday morning? If so, please contact the Church Office or sign-up on the 2025 Flower Calendar Poster on the bulletin board near Fellowship Hall. If the date you had in mind is already taken, please let the Church Office know as we are able to have two sponsors each Sunday. The flowers are yours to take home after the service(s). The cost is $25; checks payable to First United Methodist Church with the words "Altar Flowers" in the memo section of your check. Thank you for honoring or remembering a loved one with flowers. Weekly Prayer Vigil... Saturday Night Speakers... January 26-February 1. February 2-February 8. February 9-February 15. February 16-February 22. February 23-March 1 . Darlene Beers and Dot Murphy. Ann Moyer. Dolores Morgan. Lisi Fisher. Ruth Noecker . In the event of inclement weather, please call the Church Office to inquire about service cancellation. January 25. February 1. Jodi Scheib.
- Adult Sunday School | Small Groups | First United Methodist Church
ADULT SMALL GROUPS Connects all of us, young and old, to the Source of life. Provides an opportunity for continued growth. Transforms people and churches. Helps people become leaders. Provides a church family. Provides a safe place for people to make new friends and grow in their faith. Deepens people's knowledge and understanding of God's hand in all of life. The Christian life is lived out with people. We understand that growing one's faith requires the support, attention and nurturing that only small group can provide. Trusting relationships allow us to know one another deeply and to be known. What we receive from God is always matured, tested and developed in the context of people, like you, in God’s Church. Here at FUMC we value the time-proven experience of Christians meeting in home groups for the purpose of Fellowship, Bible Study, Missions, and growing, nurturing, and discipling people to become dynamic followers of Jesus Christ. We offer short-term and long-term classes to allow you to connect with others as you walk together on your faith journey. Our small groups are a way to get to know each other. A Discipleship Council has been implemented and their primary work is to develop effective small group discipleship ministry at the church. If you are interested in attending any of the currently functioning groups, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941 for contact information or the Group Leaders to confirm schedules. The small groups that are currently functioning are listed below; however some of these groups are meeting in-person and others virtually and are subject to change without notice on this page; please contact the Leader directly for current status : LifeGroups - Topic is "Healing" Mondays Led by: Ellen Marino Time: 10:00 am Where: At church Tuesdays Led by: Ann Moyer & Nancy Kraft (Ladies Only) When: 1:00 pm Where: At church Led by: JoAnn Daum (Ladies Only) When: 3:00 pm Where: Church cafe Led by: Mike & Joanne Forbes When: 6:00 pm Where: The Forbes' Home Led by: Wanda Langley (Over 50 Group/Seniors) When: 6:00 pm Where: At church Thursdays Led by: Eydie Reed When: 10:00 am Where: Being held virtually until further notice Led by: Gerri Inama When: 6:00 pm Where: The Inama’s Home Led by: Ralph & Julie Saunders When: 7:00 pm Where: Church cafe Saturdays Led by: Lisi Fisher & Barbara Brady (Girls, ages 13-25 years) When: 9:30 am Where: Church cafe Other Small Groups with a Non-Healing Focus Book of Daniel Led by: Ellen Marino When: 10:00 am Where: At church The Alpha Course (New Members or those who want to know more about Christianity) Led by: Greg & Dawn Fisher When: 6:00 pm Where: At church Wednesdays Accountability Group Led by: Doug O’Connell When: 6:30 am Where: Being held virtually until further notice. Thursdays Bible Study Led by: Doug O’Connell When: 7:00 pm Where: Being held virtually until further notice. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Doug O'Connell for a link to the Zoom meeting; or contact the Church Office. Saturdays Men's Breakfast When: Third Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM Where: Being held virtually until further notice.
- Children (Age 4 to 4th Grade) | First United Methodist Church
Connection Classes for Children [ The Little Children and Jesus ] People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~Luke 18:15-17 Sunday School Connection Classes for children ages 4 through 4th grade are held Sunday mornings from 10:30 am – 11:30 am during the school year. Classes begin with large group time as we sing, dance, fellowship, and learn about the Bible lesson of the week and are followed by small group learning in individual rooms as children share and apply what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Our Sunday School program is a place where games, activities, contemporary music, and creative teachings of the Bible truths are used to reach this generation of kids in a way that is fun and relevant to them. Shepherded by loving adult leaders who teach and model for them what it means to be a follower of Jesus, your child will be supported, encouraged, and prayed for as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- | havenfirstumc
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