Sunday Mornings | | Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall
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- Worship Schedule | First United Methodist Church
WORSHIP SCHEDULE This is a general schedule to be followed. Sundays 9:00 am 11:00 am Wednesdays 6:00 pm Saturdays 6:00 pm . Combined/Blended Worship Service - Live & Online Coffee House Style Worship in Fellowship Hall - Live ---- This is currently on hold. Currently offering the Alpha Course. Prayer Group Contemplative Worship
- Meet Our Staff | First United Methodist Church
MEET OUR STAFF Leading First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven is a team effort. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the pastor and church staff work together in a spirit of unity to fulfill the church's vision to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Senior Pastor | Rev. Dr. Christopher Fisher Rev. Dr. Christopher Fisher is an ordained elder in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, and has served churches in Eastern PA since 1991. He has been the pastor of First United Methodist Church in Schuylkill Haven since 2005. He currently is also an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY. He and his wife Elizabeth live in beautiful Schuylkill County with their four children. Education: B.A., Lehigh University (1984); B.S., Lehigh University (1984); M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary (1990); Ph.D., University of Edinburgh (2004). Articles/Lectures: The Anthropocentric Cosmos (Imago, 2004); Human Uniqueness and the Natural Sciences (Imago, 2004); Animals, Humans, and X-Men (Theology and Science, 2005); The Road of Science and the Ways of God (Templeton Gifford Lectures Review, 2006); Karl Rahner and the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Question (with David Fergusson, The Heythrop Journal, 2006); 21st Century Perspectives on the Supernatural (RAPF Lecture Series, 2009); Some Theological Issues in the Church’s Contemporary Discussion on Homosexuality (Evangelical Journal, 2012); Human Significance in Theology and the Natural Sciences (RAPF Lecture Series, 2013).Book: Human Significance in Theology and the Natural Sciences (Princeton Theological Monograph Series, Pickwick, 2010). Other Staff Members Brian Reading Minister of Visitation Ann Moyer Parish Nurse Adam Kraft Treasurer JoAnn Daum Office Manager Cindy McClelland Minister of Music & Organist Marcy Hudock Sexton Pam Setlock Church Secretary Julie Saunders Choir Director Dave Williams Director of Youth Ministry
- Calendar | havenfirstumc
The information on this calendar is generally based on the information in the newsletter and Sunday bulletins. Therefore, this information is subject to change and may not be reflected within the calendar if changes are made by event organizers without notification to the Church Office. If you see any discrepancies and would like the information updated or have a new item to be submitted for the calendar, please contact the Webmaster .
- List of Ministers | First United Methodist Church
LIST OF MINISTERS 1902-1905 Charles T. Isenberger 1908-1911 Christian G. Koppel 1912-1913 Charles E. Radcliffe 1913-1916 George W. Humphreys 1916-1918 Edwin F. Carson 1918-1920 Frederick W. Gutbub 1920-1922 Paul Barton 1922-1923 W. Sands Fox 1923-1925 Lehighton S. Palmer 1925-1926 Alexander K. Smith 1926-1928 Richard W. Wright 1928-1929 M. Raymond Meredith 1929-1935 Thomas R. Jeffery 1935-1939 Ralph B. McCuen 1939-1945 K. R. Boohar 1945-1947 Howard N. Reeves 1947-1951 Robert E. Kieffer, Jr. 1951-1953 George H. Curtis 1953-1960 Lee F. Adams, Sr. 1960-1968 Harold J. Hallam 1968-1973 David L. Fife 1973-1984 Theodore R. Ochs 1984-1993 Russell Wentling 1993-2003 Eric S. Ritz 2003-2005 Albert Mosley 2005-Present Christopher Fisher
- What We Believe | First United Methodist Church
Our doctrinal standards are in accord with the faith of the ancient church, the apostolic and orthodox creeds, and the evangelical spirit of John Wesley. We Believe... In the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ, the Word of God and Son of God; truly God and truly human. In the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the sufficiency and authority of the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, for knowledge of Salvation and Christian Faith and Practice. In the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God by faith in the merit and sacrificial death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the convicting, comforting, sustaining, and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. The church is the redemptive fellowship of believers where the pure Word of God is preached and the Sacraments duly administered according to Christ's command. In the Christian life as one of individual and communal discipleship. Adapted from The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church (2008), ¶103: Section 3: Our Doctrinal Standards and General Rules (The U.M. Publishing House, Nashville, TN, 2008). Click here for more detail of the Foundational Documents of The United Methodist Faith . WHAT WE BELIEVE We are a member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA). Click here for more information on the WCA core beliefs.
- Community Relations & Outreach Events | First United Methodist Church
Community Relations & Outreach The purpose of our Community Relations and Outreach Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by providing opportunities to minister to all we meet. We are blessed to be able to serve in the mission field in our community as we partner with local organizations and communities to build relationships and provide opportunities to share God’s love and plan of salvation. Our vision is simple - to love God and love our neighbors! Click on the images below to find details about upcoming events!
- FAQs | First United Methodist Church
FAQs Where do I park? Parking is easy for our visitors. As you enter the parking lot from Saylor Street, there is a drive that goes through the upper end of the lot that leads to a covered area for drop off at the main doors. You will notice the parking to the side of the church. Is there handicap parking? There are several handicap parking spaces available. As you enter the parking lot from Saylor Street, there is a drive that goes through the upper end of the lot that leads to a covered area for drop off at the main doors; there are two handicap parking spaces available there. At the parking lot to the side of the church there are several handicap spaces available there which enters into Fellowship Hall. There is an elevator available to take you to the sanctuary/office level. What should I expect? You should expect to find a friendly and welcoming church who will be glad to see that you have come to worship with us. You should expect to feel welcomed as part of the family during our worship services. You should expect a faith community that is Bible-believing, centered on the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and seeking to grow together in the knowledge and love of God. Attire? Church is no longer a formal affair. When it comes to church, attire doesn't much matter. They understand there is nothing particularly spiritual about a dress or a coat and tie. God is scarcely impressed by such things. "People look at the outward appearance," we are reminded, "but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7). The dress is varied at FUMC; ranges from jeans/shorts and polos (semi-casual) to dress coat, tie, and dresses. May I attend services if I am not Methodist? Absolutely. Whether you are visiting, looking for a church, or simply want to stop in to see what we are about, we welcome anyone who wants to worship with us. What type of music is sung during the worship service? We offer a blended worship style that resonates with a wide variety of current and prospective congregants. To accomplish this goal, our Sunday morning service uses elements of both traditional and contemporary worship. We use a mix of hymns, use of the organ and/or piano, guitars/keyboard/drums, traditional hymns of the past along, contemporary music, worship choruses, and anthems by the choir. We believe that the blended service will offer the attendees ways to be led into a time of meaningful worship. May I take Communion if I am not Methodist? Yes. The United Methodist Church practices open Communion at God's table. We welcome all those who identify as disciples of Jesus Christ. "Christ our Lord invites to His table all those who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another." May young children take Communion? Yes. "All who intend to lead a Christian life, together with their children, are invited to receive the bread and cup." (Book of Worship) May I attend service but not take Communion? Yes. We do not want anyone to feel unwelcome because they do not choose to receive Communion. Simply remain seated when others go forward. Is childcare available during Sunday services? We offer a comfort room for parents to keep their children with them during worship without worrying about their child crying or being restless. We also have an attended nursery from birth to 4 years old; we follow Safe Sanctuary practices. What if I can't get to the Sunday morning or special holiday services? Streamed Recordings Beginning March 22, 2020, FUMC started to livestream the worship services. These streamed services can be found through the website , through our Facebook page , on YouTube , or Vimeo . Podcasts We offer a library of podcasts from weekly and holiday services, for services prior to March 22, 2020; it contains just the scripture and message. How do I submit a Prayer Request? FUMC has an active prayer life and offers many different avenues of prayer. If a prayer request is for yourself, you may have it announced in church and added to the church bulletin or prayer chain. If the prayer request is for someone else, please be certain that the subject person would approve the amount of information provided. There are strict HIPPA (Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) guidelines in place to keep a person's health information private and we do not want to violate that ethical standard. Prayer Cards : Prayer cards (located in the pews in the sanctuary) may be filled out on Sunday mornings. During the opening hymn, ushers come down the aisles to collect any prayer cards that are to be prayed for during the worship service. There is also a small check-box at the bottom of the prayer card if you would like the request included in the Sunday bulletin prayer list. These cards are not added to the prayer chain! These are only used during church services and to be added to the church bulletin, upon request. If the prayer request is of a confidential nature and you do not wish to share it aloud, drop it in the box at the back of the sanctuary. No one will read or distribute prayer requests on the cards in the box; God alone knows what you have written. Every couple months the cards are removed and destroyed unread. Prayer Chain : The prayer chain is designed to handle prayer requests any time, any day. A team of over 75 people have committed to praying for every request made to the prayer chain. Follow-up information is always appreciated so the team can know the progress of the person for whom they are praying. Plus, we love to hear praise reports of how God is working through the prayer life of our church! Prayer requests can be emailed to or you can call the FUMC office (570.385.3941) during their regular business hours. Once received, the prayer request is emailed to our prayer chain volunteers. Unfortunately text messages and Facebook requests are not necessarily seen in a timely manner as they are not checked daily. Website Prayer Request Page : You may also submit a prayer request by accessing our prayer request page. Prayer is an extremely important part of our church's ministry and we make every effort to give each request our fullest attention.
- The Prayer Room | First United Methodist Church
THE PRAYER ROOM The vision for a Prayer Room began with a Thursday morning prayer group looking for a quiet place to pray in a busy church building. After prayer and discussion, the matter was referred to the Trustees and officially approved by the Administrative Board in 2008. The Prayer Room was completed in 2009 and is located just off the Sanctuary. Construction of this wonderful room was accomplished by people from the church; most of the furnishings, decorating, etc. and stain glass windows were also made by or donated by church members. Upon completion, the room was consecrated to the Glory of God in memory of past saints who were members of the church when it was still meeting at the building on St. Johns Street, Schuylkill Haven. That building was destroyed by fire in 1980, leading to the present structure at 420 Saylor Street, Schuylkill Haven. One of the Prayer Room stain glass windows is a small reproduction of a large stain glass window that hung behind the altar in the sanctuary of the St. John Street building. How exciting to see a vision given by God accomplished by church members willing to follow God’s leading. The Prayer Room is used regularly for individual and small group prayer and also for counseling ministry.
- Church History | First United Methodist Church
CHURCH HISTORY Our present church building was dedicated to the Glory of God and consecrated by Bishop F. Herbert Skeete, resident Bishop of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church at a service of worship on May 15, 1983. The District Superintendent, the Reverend Dr. B. Burns Brodhead, assisted the Bishop in that service. Our present congregation traces its origin directly to a meeting held on March 13, 1902, in the home of J. F. Bast, of 37 St. John Street, with Dr. William McDowell, District Superintendent, in attendance. His later report to the Annual Conference indicated that on the above date, he organized a new society in Schuylkill Haven. Also, that they had bought a lot and were making arrangements for the erection of a building. He described the new enterprise as "starting with great vigor, 72 members received on probation, and appointment of a pastor requested." Among this group and others added within a few days, were the names of Snayberger, Bast, Thomas, Becker, Bowen, Dowdle, Boyer, Reed, Kerschner, Emerich and Freed. Rhoda Thomas Pritchard and Ruth Thom Rutter were the first persons baptized in the church. Charles Lendle and Alice Susan Berger were the first couple married in the church. On Easter Sunday, March 30, 1902, Reverend Charles T. Isenberger preached his first sermon in Metamora Hall. (This Hall is located above the Detweiler Funeral Home.) Under his leadership, the group forged ahead and our beloved St. John Street Church was built, with dedication taking place on November 9, 1902. The building cost $7,000. Within a few years, a new parsonage was provided and the mortgage on the church was burned. On November 19, 1980, about 8:45 a.m., a fire of unknown origins ignited the main church structure on St. John Street, resulting in its total destruction. Many church members tearfully witnessed the disappearance of our beloved church that had served us so well for 78 years, through worship services, weddings, baptisms, confirmations, lay witness missions, and sacred concerts. The reality of the total loss of our facilities caused expressions of disbelief and dismay, and underneath the varied emotions, there arose a determination to rebuild and go on. On March 1, 1981, the congregation voted to proceed with planning for construction of a new church. George Kulp was appointed Building Committee Chairman, and with his committee of interested members, set about selecting an architect and a type of church facility that would suit the needs of the congregation. Preliminary drawings for the First United Methodist Church to be built on a 4.132 acre site on Saylor Street were presented to the congregation on June 1, 1981, by Don Klinger Architect, of Millersburg. They chose a colonial style brick. The anticipated completion date was set at April 3, 1983. A Building Fund Campaign took place under the guidance of Juanita Locker Ivie, of the Board of Global Ministries from October 8th to the 21st. Dr. Herbert C. Rubright, Sr., served as general chairman for the Executive Committee for the Christian Responsibility Fund Campaign. By the grace of God, the congregation known as the First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven, moved into the new facility DEBT FREE!!! Since 1983, the church has added 28 parking spaces, thus having the largest parking lot of any church in Southern Schuylkill County area. We have added a large enclosed sound proof comfort room at the rear of the sanctuary thus allowing families with young children to worship in a relaxing environment and atmosphere. The sanctuary was also enhanced with a large wooden Lord's Supper Mural which graces the rear wall of the sanctuary. It is well known and people come from other congregations to view it. In 1992, the church added an early service of worship (8:00 a.m.) to accommodate our growing numbers and provide multiple occasions of worship. In February of 1997, an additional worship service - a Saturday night Contemporary Service was started. Since 1902, with the appointment of our first Pastor, Reverend Isenberger followed by the 28 pastors who have since served our church, including our present Pastor, the Reverend Doctor Christopher Fisher, appointed in 2005, we have experienced continued growth, spiritually, missionally, and in fellowship. In our history we have had one associate pastor, Reid S. Thomas, Jr., appointed for a short length of service. We have had several youth directors since 1994. A request from the Tower South (High Rise) Tenants Council was made to our church to provide a regular traditional worship service for the residents of the facility in order to minister to the spiritual needs of those unable to attend regular church services. As a result of that request, in June of 2009, a Sunday evening worship service was added and is held at the Tower South on Parkway in Schuylkill Haven. In 2014, we turned the organization of this ministry over to the Tower South Council. In 2016, the church added an elevator for use by those in need. In 2019, the church combined the 8:00 a.m. traditional and the 10:30 a.m. contemporary services into one 9:00 a.m. blended service. Also added was a 4:00 p.m. GenZ service to reach the younger generations. In March of 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the church began live-streaming the Sunday morning service. At this time, the Saturday evening and GenZ services were put on hold. In late summer of 2020, the Saturday evening service resumed and a new service = the Haven Family eXperience (A Family Worship Experience) also known as the FX service was started as an outreach to the community on a Sunday morning at 11:00 am and was held at Bubeck Park in Schuylkill Haven and moved to Fellowship Hall In November due to the colder weather. As you can see, God has been good and generous and faithful to us. We hope to be faithful to the blessings we have received. We also want to pass on the gift of faith and hope to a generation yet unborn. Praise be to God! Click here if you are interested in a more detailed history of FUMC.
- Contact Info | First United Methodist Church
CONTACT US Tel: 570.385.3941 Fax: 570.385.6842 420 Saylor Street Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday ~9:00 am to 2:00 pm Enter Your Name Enter Your Email Enter Your Subject Enter Your Message Thanks for submitting! Submit Click here for written directions to FUMC
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