Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall or
Christ Fellowship Church
of Schuylkill Haven
(also known as First United Methodist Church)
​Many of us have heard prayers from the time we were very young, beginning with "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep...". Most of us, too, have prayed for someone else or have received prayers on our behalf. We pray during loss or difficulty, praise, or worship. Why pray? We go to those we love and trust to share our joys, express appreciation, and ask for guidance and help. How much more love can we share with our Father in Heaven, the giver of life and provider of salvation, than to talk with Him and share with others?
There is no doubt prayer is valued among people of faith but do you know of the prayers that continually rise from our church family?
We have several prayer chains. When a need is received by the church office, through the website, or an email to the Prayer Coordinator, the chain begins. Soon, many are praying to Our Lord on someone's behalf. Often, a particular need is referred to a "prayer warrior", through the prayer chain or church office. Often the matter is confidential and the prayer warrior comes to the church to pray.
We have a Wednesday evening prayer service where two or more faithful members meet regularly to pray for leaders, our congregation, guidance, and deliverance.
We also have Prayer Team. One or two people sign up to pray for one hour a day for a week at a time to pray for the Kingdom of God to come more fully in our church and our community and beyond. Interested people can contact the Prayer Coordinator or sign-up on the clipboard that is circulated periodically on a Sunday morning.
​​Our prayer room is located next to the church's Narthex and can be used for group or personal prayer.
There is a prayer shawl ministry, where someone in need of prayer is gifted a personally crocheted or knitted shawl as a token of a small group's personal prayer.
Many small groups meet on a regular basis and prayer is part of the group's time of sharing.
​Whether we participate in church prayer efforts, pray at family get-togethers, or prefer to lift petitions to our Lord silently in private, may each of us pray daily and talk with our Father, Savior, and Holy Spirit who guides us. May we remember, too, to give petitions and thanksgiving for others within our church family, our community, and beyond. And may the scripture "Pray without ceasing"
(I Thessalonians 5:17) encourage us to lift up prayer for someone or something at any time our hearts want to talk to Him.
​(An observation shared by a prayer partner in our church family, minimally edited, and used with permission on the website.)
Please consider joining your Brothers and Sisters in Christ in prayer. If you have a praise or need, contact the church office or submit your petition through the website by clicking the following link to our prayer request page.