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Weekly Announcements

These announcements are from the weekly bulletin and/or bi-monthly newsletter. You will find here information on regular announcements (i.e., signing up for newsletters, online giving) to special events scheduled. Please take some time to review these announcements. 

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Prayer Opportunities | Prayer is such an important part of a church's life. FUMC offers many opportunities to strengthen your prayer life. Please check out our prayer ministry page. We offer prayer groups, a prayer chain, an intercessory prayer group, and many other opportunities to kneel before our Lord and Savior and share your burdens and worship and praise. For what other great nation has God so near to it as the Lord our God is whenever we call to him?  
~Deuteronomy 4:7 (NRSV)

Sunday Preaching Schedule (schedule may change without notice). Pastor Fisher preaching unless otherwise noted.


Worship Services

9AM in the sanctuary and

11:00AM (Coffeehouse Worship) in fellowship hall


Pastor Christopher Fisher

​​(Individual message titles subject to change)

January 26 - Hebrews

February 2 - Hebrews

February 9 - Hebrews

February 16 - Hebrews

February 23 - Hebrews 

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​February Communion Offering

Pastor's Discretionary Fund

Coffeehouse Worship @ 11 AM.

Coffeehouse service will finishing up the study on Advent and then will focus on the Book of Acts and the Holy Spirit.

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Methodist Women Events | We will continue to meet the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in Fellowship Hall unless otherwise announced. Our focus continues to be local mission work. All ladies are welcome. Please let us know of any ideas you have or issues that you would like more information.
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Requests for Prayer | Please remember to call the church office if you know of members in the hospital or if you are going to be in the hospital. A visit from our Pastor or visitation team can be arranged. Please continue to remember all those in the hospital, in mourning, and listed in the weekly bulletin in your prayers.


Website Prayer Request Page: You may also submit a prayer request by accessing our prayer request page.

Weekly Prayer Ministry | Wednesdays at 6 PM
Our Prayer Ministry will also continue to run every day of the week with prayer partners meeting for one hour a day with a one-week-at-a time commitment. Please sign up in pairs to pray for one hour a day during your week for the Kingdom of God to come more fully in our church and our community and beyond. We will continue to promote the prayer team ministry on Sunday mornings with the prayer clipboard circulated periodically.
Please join us as we seek God together!

Next Community Lunch is February 8 at 12 PM
All are welcome to share this time of fellowship. If you would like to sponsor a Community Lunch, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941 for contact  information regarding available dates.

Men's Breakfast | February 15 at 8:00 AM
For more information, please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941.

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There are times when things are not going well for each of us, perhaps we ourselves are sick, perhaps there are loved ones who are sick or hurting, maybe there is a family emergency or crisis, during these times you don't need to be alone. Our Pastors, Minister of Visitation, or even our Lay Leader would be very happy to come and visit with you. Before you reach a place where you feel alone and that no one cares, please call the Church Office and let the office staff know that you are in need of a visit. The message will be passed along quietly to the Pastors and a time for a personal visit can be arranged. Others of us tend to prefer to weather these times quietly and by ourselves; if that is you, please be aware that there is a Prayer Ministry team that is willing to intercede and pray for you. You can access the Prayer Ministry through the website, by calling the church office, or prayer chain.


Most importantly, remember that you have a church family that is willing to walk along side of you at all times. Also, please know that you don't need to be a Pastor or Lay Leader to visit and care for your Brothers and Sisters in Christ. You can visit our homebound members. If you enjoy getting to know new people and would like to spend some time with members of our First Church family that can no longer make it to church on a Sunday morning, please call the Church office or simply put a note in the offering plate and someone will contact you. Thank you for taking the time to spend a few minutes sharing the love of Jesus with our members who can no longer come to church!

Did you know…?

CFC saves Redner’s receipts

  • Do you shop at Redner’s? If so, do you have a Save‑A‑Tape /Pump Perks/Rewards Card?

  • CFC participates in the Redner’s 1% Save‑A‑Tape program. Remember to use your Redner’s Save‑A‑Tape/Pump Perks/Rewards Card and put your entire receipt (must include their message "Visit us at" at the bottom for it be valid) in the wooden box on the shelf in the corner of the narthex marked Redner’s receipts.

  • By using your rewards card each time you purchase merchandise (excludes, fuel purchases and items controlled by the federal or state government such as tax, milk, and tobacco products) at Redner’s Warehouse Markets, your receipt will be designated as a 1% Save‑A‑Tape customer receipt with a Save‑A‑Tape total printed on the receipt. Receipts that have been highlighted or written on are not eligible, so please do not mark or circle the receipts. Participating in the 1% Save‑A‑Tape program does not exclude your ability to receive gas points, etc.

  • If you don’t already have a rewards card, you can pick one up at any Redner’s locations. The card is free and you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION to receive the card. Your name is not on any mailing list if you request a card.

  • Our church gets 1% of the total of all receipts. For example, if the receipts total $5,000, we would get $50 to be put towards Christian Ed. Please consider participating in this easy program.

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