Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall or
Christ Fellowship Church
of Schuylkill Haven
(also known as First United Methodist Church)

The ministries of First United Methodist Church serve as the main tool to lead believers in the discipleship process of the Christian faith. All of our ministries are Bible-based and they are Christ-centered. The purpose of each ministry is to strengthen believers in their faith, to lead them into spiritual maturity, and to equip members to find and use their gifts for the work of our ministry. If you have any questions regarding our different ministries or are interested in serving, please don't hesitate to contact the church office at 570.385.3941 for more information.
Community Luncheon
Many years ago, our Missions Committee, under the leadership of Jack O’Rourke, decided they should reach out not only to people in need worldwide, but also to people in our own community who may have a need. This was definitely a calling they felt they should undertake. Therefore, they began a program that would serve those who might have a hunger for Christian fellowship, as well as a hunger for a good meal. Hence, the Community Luncheon program was born.
A meal is served at our church at noon in our Fellowship Hall on the second Saturday of each month. The only exceptions are those months where some unscheduled need occurs—such as a funeral—or some long-range event is planned—such as a wedding, a United Methodist District meeting, etc. (Advance notice of all dates is shown elsewhere on this website.) This mission captured the spirit of many. The meals are nutritional and sumptuous, the atmosphere is inviting, and the tables are set with love and warmth. The overall atmosphere is one of “family and fellowship.” There is no charge for the luncheon, but free-will offerings are gratefully accepted and appreciated.
We are always looking for volunteers to help prepare, serve, and, most importantly, engage in fellowship with our “guests.” A core of dedicated volunteers is what makes this mission come alive. Won’t you join us?
Embrace Grace Ministry
Our ministry with Embrace Grace has started and are so excited about this opportunity to come together as the body of Christ, be obedient to His calling and be willing share the love and life changing message of Jesus with our neighbors! Many of you have asked how you might be able to help, so here are some ways that you can be Jesus’ hands and feet to these precious Brave Girls and their babies… Do you like rocking, singing, or engaging with little ones? How about signing up to help with childcare? Do you like to knit? You could help us out with blankets, sweaters, and booties!
Is hospitality your thing? Join us for our special days as we celebrate the new lives God has entrusted to us. Are you a party planner? If so, maybe you’d like to help with the Baby Shower? Do you have extra finances that could go to support this ministry? Donations are greatly appreciated as we purchase curriculum and to help off-set some of the expenses of the special days. Are you a prayer warrior? Great! What a blessing a simple prayer can be to these Brave Girls, their families, and our team! Maybe you have a gift or talent that’s not listed, if so, we welcome you to reach out and share as there’s a role for everyone!
Meals Ministry
The Meals Ministry supplies temporary meal preparation for members in extenuating medical circumstances.
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry is always looking to add to their rotating crew of volunteers to meet the growing needs of the church. If you are able to give one or two Sundays a month to the church at the 9:00 am service, then we are looking for you. Minimum level of experience is required. Middle and High school students are also encouraged to join. Please contact Dave Williams or Don Bergen for seeking additional information, for signing up as a new member of the Tech Team, and/or for receiving training on the equipment. You may also click here to access the Media Form and forward to Dave or Don via the Church Office.​
Also part of the Media Ministry is the preparation of the weekly slides for use during the worship services; please consider serving in preparing the words for the congregation to follow during worship.​
Training and mentoring is available to all who wish to learn and serve.
Missions Ministry
The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 'Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."'
Jesus directs us: "… have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:14-15
Paul to Titus: "…And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone." Titus 3:8
​FUMC offers opportunities to carry out God’s directions to us. We have several mission teams that have served in many capacities over the years. We have a Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team, an Africa Team, and a Youth Team.
Over the years our VIM teams served in many locations throughout the United States (from Philadelphia to Alabama). Our Africa team served at the Children of Zion Village in Katima Mulilo, Namibia, Africa in 2011 and 2017. The VIM teams tend to form when there is a need somewhere and the Missions Committee along with the Church agree to send a team. However when a decision to send a team is made, there seems to be a core group of people that is usually ready to jump on board. And our Youth teams served in many locations from locally in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Alabama.
Music Ministry
FUMC offers several opportunities to worship and praise God. We offer an adult choir and a cherub/children's choir.
Joyful Noises Choir is for children from toddler age to 12 years of age. The children practice on Sunday mornings for the first 1/2 hour of Sunday School.
Adult Choir is for anyone from 8th grade and above. This choir performs all styles of music in all voices (SAB) and in varying levels of difficulty. This choir sings at the 9:00 am worship service and practices on a Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm.
Contemporary Praise/Worship Team is for anyone that loves the Lord and wants to serve through his or her gift of music. They perform all styles of music (contemporary to traditional hymns) and in varying levels of difficulty. The worship team sings at the
9:00 am worship service. Their practice schedule is flexible and varies depending on schedules so please check the bulletin. The Team is always looking for musicians and singers.
We combined our services and have one service at 9:00 am. This service is a blended service containing both traditional (utilizing the piano or organ) and contemporary music by the Praise/Worship team.
Parish Nurse Ministry
​“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19 NIV)
A Parish Nurse is a registered professional nurse who serves as a member of the ministry team of a faith community. Service is through the independent practice of nursing as defined by the nurse practice act in the jurisdiction in which he or she practices, and the standards set forth in the “Scope and Standards of Parish Nursing Practice” published by Health Ministries Association Inc. and American Nurses Association. The Parish Nurse Ministry works in conjunction with the Health and Welfare Committee in serving the congregation in different health-related areas and provides monthly blood pressure screenings and provides programs to improve the health of body, mind, and spirit. The Parish Nurse and members of the Health & Welfare Committee are individuals that are motivated by strong beliefs, principles, ethics, and values with the desire to serve others with altruism and compassion grounded in faith.
To provide health services focusing on the holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit to the members of the church and the community beyond.
“To nurture the body of Christ along the continuum of wellness for the healing and well being of the church and community.”
What roles do the Parish Nurse and Health & Welfare Committee have?
They DO NOT provide medical treatment/care, hands-on care, diagnostic screenings, home health care, or any service/procedure that is invasive or falls within the scope of practice for a licensed health profession.
We are Health Educators - providing educational materials and programs about health topics; Health Counselors - increasing awareness of health issues through visitations at home, in facilities, and at the church; and a Referral Source - providing information about and assists with community resource links in regards to questions about health issues or navigating the health system.
We focus on supporting and assisting members of the congregation and the community with activities that relate to health education, prevention, and wellness. The overall goal is to find balance among all the dimensions that comprise it: emotional, spiritual, physical, mental and social.
We are volunteers with a passion of helping others.
Stephens Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a way for congregations to provide high-quality Christ centered care and outreach to hurting people in the congregation and community.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members who go through 50 hours of Christian caregiving training. Each Stephen Minister is then matched with a hurting person - men are paired with men, women with women - and meets with that person weekly to listen, care, pray, and encourage. Caring relationships last for as long as the need persists.
Stephen Ministers care for those dealing with grief, divorce, job loss, hospitalization, financial struggles, loneliness, convalescence, terminal illness, and other life difficulties.
Stephen Ministry at Schuylkill Haven First United Methodist Church:
First Church became a member of the Stephen Ministry Series in the fall of 2014. The first class of Stephen Ministers was commissioned on May 22, 2016.
First Church has 16 members who have completed the 50-hour Stephen Minister training course and have become Stephen Ministers. We also have two Stephen Leaders who have completed the week-long course presented by Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Leaders provide the training and supervision necessary for the success of the program. Currently, we have 15 active Stephen Ministers and nine people being cared for by a Stephen Minister. In the last four years, 24 people have received approximately 1,258 hours of direct one-to-one care. During the Covid-19 Quarantine, our Stephen Ministers kept in contact with their care receivers via text, email, and phone meetings. This was very critical for those care receivers who became isolated during this time.
For the Story of Stephen Ministry, click here.
Vineyard Ministry
The Vineyard is a mission outreach which began in 2004 as the result of a need in the community.
The Vineyard is not just a Food Pantry. A short worship service is provided to feed the soul. Household items such as cleaning supplies and paper products, as well as food items are available. All items are donated by members of the congregation and community. We do not require proof of income from anyone accessing the Vineyard, but we do require an ID. What God provides, we supply to those in need.
The Vineyard is open the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Early arrival is not necessary. The order of being served will be determined in a random manner.
In case of inclement weather, please contact the church office for a make-up date.
If you feel led to serve this ministry through the donation of items, check out the Vineyard Grocery List.
For more information about this program, please contact the church office at 570.385.3941.​​
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Fellowship targets the post-high school to 20-somethings. It provides fellowship opportunities for adults from 20-somethings (and sometimes a little older) and their families.