Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall or
Christ Fellowship Church
of Schuylkill Haven
(also known as First United Methodist Church)

​CFC is comprised of many committees and leadership roles. Serving on a committee is just one way to share your diverse gifts and interact with those who share your interests and values. Below is a list of leadership roles and committees.
Leadership Roles
Senior Pastor
Lay Leader
Saturday Night & Sunday Worship Coordinators
Office Manager
Administrative Board is comprised of the Chairperson of each Committee and other church leaders. At the regularly scheduled meetings, the Board hears reports from the church staff and each of the active Committees.
Communications / Media & Technology | The purpose of the Committee is to be the responsible body for the timely internal and external communications about our church's programs, services, people, events, activities, outreach, and missions. This would encompass the faithful and spiritual implementation of all our church's marketing, public relations, and providing advertising information to committees for their individual needs. Our mission is to implement methods and means of communicating fully and completely about who we are and what we do as a church in order to strengthen our bonds as a Body of Christ, not only as members within our own church, but as evangelists to the community at large. The purpose of the Media and Technology Committee is to provide technological assistance for the service of the church's ministries. The scope of the Committee is to establish and/or maintain the different technological programs in the church's ministry, to include service multi-media operations, slides creation, satellite TV operations, website maintenance, and church IT protection.
Community Relations and Outreach | The purpose of our Community Relations and Outreach Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by providing opportunities to minister to all we meet. We are blessed to be able to serve in the mission field in our community as we partner with local organizations and communities to build relationships and provide opportunities to share God’s love and plan of salvation. Our vision is simple - to love God and love our neighbors!
Discipleship | There are many different opportunities for members of all ages and stages to learn about the Bible's teachings and living the life of the gospel in today's world. The Committee is responsible for our Sunday School curriculum for youth and adults, as well as the summer Outreach program, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, various Christmas programs, among others. The Committee: recruits teachers, chooses material, plans and runs the summer Outreach program along with volunteers. The Committee is always looking for members as well as dedicated Sunday School teachers. Anyone interested in becoming active in the education of both youth and adults within our church are welcome to attend and get involved in the education of all.
Fellowship and Hospitality | Although the Committee is unique in its function, their goal is in bringing together the members of the congregation and their family and friends into one body to share and live out the Gospel. Fellowship’s function is to plan social activities for the congregation to come together as a church family.
Finance | The primary responsibility of the Committee is to enable and support the ministries of CFC. The Committee evaluates the financial needs of the congregation with the preparation of the annual budget, reviews and advises AdBoard on giving patterns and the financial health of CFC, reviews and advises on the use of special gifts and memorials, supervises an audit of all financial records and procedures, and monitors invested funds. Another responsibility of the Committee is to promote good stewardship by leading the congregation to higher levels of proportionate giving as God has given us all that we have, let us give back to God first, as he commands us to do. Let our gifts enable our congregation to do God's work.
Health and Welfare | Works in conjunction with the Parish Nurse in serving the congregation in different health-related areas and provides monthly blood pressure screenings. The Committee provides programs to improve the health of body, mind, and spirit. Some of the programs the Committee provided in the past to enhance the health of the congregation are "The Walk to Bethlehem", Medication Education, Advance Directives, "Get My People Going", established the Caregivers Conference, and played an instrumental part in getting the automatic external defibrillator (AED) for the church.
Lay Leadership | Lay leadership is composed of professing members and the charge of this committee is to identify, develop, organize, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leadership of the congregation. Members of the committee shall engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church.
Membership | Although the Committee is unique in its function, they share a common goal with the Evangelism and Fellowship Committees in the bringing together the members of the congregation and community into one body to share and live out the Gospel. Membership’s focus is to audit the membership and manage visitation.
Missions & Social Concerns | This ministry of the church recruits and oversees the adult mission teams sent out by the Church, including Volunteer in Mission (VIM) teams; oversees support for missionaries and Christian organizations sponsored by the Church; oversees periodic missions conferences; provides support and connection for the various social and missional outreach programs of the church, including the Vineyard Ministry, Meals Ministry, and Community Lunch.
Parish Nurse | Is a member of the ministerial team providing health services focusing on the holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit to the members of the church and the community beyond. The Parish Nurse does not provide medical treatment or hands-on care but is a Health Educator (providing educational materials and programs about health topics), a Health Counselor (increasing members' awareness of health issues), a Referral Source (providing information about and assists with community resource linkage), and a Resource (consulting/answering questions about health issues or navigation of the health system).
SPRC | Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is the administrative unit where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. SPRC confers with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, assesses the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor, supports continuing education for all staff, identifies and supports individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry, makes recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits and housing to the church council, and recommends needed staff positions and develops written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff.
Trustees | The Trustees is responsible for taking care of the church grounds, buildings, and parsonage. The Committee's goal is to provide a safe and comfortable house of worship and to keep the church property in good repair. The Committee is responsible for routine repair and maintenance as well as any required capital projects (i.e., heating and electrical systems, roof, etc.). They also organize the "Church Clean-Up Day" which relies on volunteers to assist in pre-determined tasks.
Worship | The Committee is comprised of willing workers who are committed and dedicated to providing a meaningful worship experience by overseeing the worship services throughout the church year; organizing the various choirs, praise teams, and hand bells; purchasing and scheduling of music; maintaining the piano and organ; seeking guest musicians and presenters for the services; providing palms, candles, communion elements, Bibles and hymnals for the pews, and coordinates the anniversary dinner. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring proper licensing and approvals are in place for streaming and/or recording music, scripture, etc.
Youth Council | Youth Council is structured in a way to equip and empower our young people to be active leaders within our ministry and play a critical role in the planning and execution of our ministry and outreach.
For more information on ways to get involved and serve with CFC Ministries, click here.