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Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall or
Christ Fellowship Church
of Schuylkill Haven
(also known as First United Methodist Church)
My Faith Stories is a Discipleship Council initiative. Each Story contains a situation, an event, its impact, an "experiencing God" relevant Bible reference and are contributed primarily by members of our congregation. The stories are "mapped" into one of the five steps in the FUMC Discipleship Plan: "Experience God," "Follow the Lord Jesus," "Share Life Together," "Serve the Body of Christ" and "Invest in Others."
Click on the Story Title of interest. This opens a link to the full text of the Story that can be read on-line or downloaded for later.
If you have any questions or have Faith Stories to share, contact the church office or any member of the Discipleship Council to discuss further.
Experience God
"My story about the Goodness of God" ~ Sevenia
"God heard my prayer, my plea" ~ Ann
"prayer moves mountains" ~ Nigel
"God makes a way," when we trust Him ~ Liz
"God showed me I had to take a step and then another step..." Ted
"This book (Experiencing God) has changed my expectations and understanding of serving God." ~ Karen
"My grief helped me minister to those who are grieving" ~ Lynne
Follow the Lord Jesus
"My faith gave me the Strength to 'pull up my roots'... to Save my son's life" ~ Wanda
"Would I be able to make other Obligations, if I started to Tithe?" ~ Suzie
"God has opened many doors during my life" ~ Brian
"..... this insensitive joking burned me in my heart." ~ Dave
Share Life Together
"I was Flying High, as far as the secular world was concerned" ~ Bill
"I discovered a Big Void in my life." ~ Connie
"Why Me Lord?" ~ JoAnn
"how a Small group actually changed my life" ~ Eydie
"I joined a small group and began experiencing the intense love God makes available to all of us." ~ Gary
"I Heard God's Voice" ~ Doug
Serve the Body of Christ
"Having faith and trusting in God has Produced Results I never expected" ~ John
"I never knew I had a Food Ministry, until one of our church members asked me about it" ~ Jean
"we were strangers, and they took us in" ~ Dwight
"My church family covered me with prayer" ~ Julie
"God is the reason I've made it this far." ~ Bonnie
Invest in Others
"Attending church and having a strong faith in God, helps Heal the Scars from being Bullied as a teenager" ~ Randy
"Never give up on God's assignments for you." ~ Joanne
"I believe, and have always felt, each church member should bring their own personal Bible, perhaps with notes, to church or to study sessions." ~ Mike
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