Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 am; Coffee House Style Worship at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall or
Christ Fellowship Church
of Schuylkill Haven
(also known as First United Methodist Church)
The Holy Spirit and You
Do you know what your Spiritual Gifts are and how you can use them at FUMC? As a Christian saved through acceptance of God's grace by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, we receive spiritual gifts to be used in service for God's greater glory. We are to use our unique personalities, traits, and interests to build up the church and to share Christ’s love with the world. You can use these gifts through the ministry of FUMC. Together we provide many opportunities to share God’s love with one another and with the world. Using your Spiritual Gifts is as easy as sharing your time and talents. Below is a list of areas that you can volunteer to serve FUMC:
Acolytes | Confirmed youth and youth in the confirmation process are required to serve as acolytes until the age of 16. Acolytes light and extinguish candles. Acolytes receive their initial training and are scheduled by Sandi Berger.
Choirs / Praise Team | FUMC offers several opportunities to worship and praise God. We offer an adult choir, a cherub/children's choir, and the praise team. For more information on our music ministry, please click here.
Christ Servant Ministry | Certification with extra training and preparation for service in a number of helping ministries.
Coffee Servers and Donations | Coffee continues with our new schedule of one worship service on Sunday morning. You can make a monetary donation on a Sunday morning, volunteer on the signup sheet to bring baked goods, you may purchase and bring canisters of regular or decaf coffee, individually wrapped tea bags, hot chocolate, coffee creamer, sugar packets, or other items that may be used to serve the coffee. If you have any questions or not sure what to bring, contact Karen Shiffert or the church office at 570.385.3941.
Community Luncheon Sponsor or Server | For more information on our community lunch ministry, please click here.
Community Relations and Outreach | For more information on our community relations and outreach, please click here.
Communion Steward / Server | A communion steward provides the elements (bread and juice) and sets up for the communion service by placing the bread and cup on the Communion Table as directed by the Pastor (i.e., intinction or individual cups). A communion server assists the Pastor during the communion service by serving the bread and cup to the congregation.
Exerettes | FUMC and Diakon's PrimeTime Health partnered to form the Exerettes to provide older persons with valuable knowledge and techniques to assist them in maintaining health, wellness, and independence. The program is particularly attractive to older adults because most of the dances and activities can be done either standing or sitting down. One of the goals of the Exerettes is to inspire others and to show that it is never too late to make life-style changes. The exercises not only promote balance but also flexibility, strength, and better. The Exerettes meet every Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 11 am here at FUMC in Fellowship Hall. By the way, IT's FREE!! Come and join us!!!
- Greeters/Ushers are the people who say hello and hand you a bulletin when you come to church and have a very important part of our worship; as part of their responsibility, as an Usher they collect the offering(s) and direct people to receive Holy Communion. We welcome and encourage church members who would like to be greeters to contact the church office for available dates.
Lay Home Communion Ministry | This group provides the Sacrament of Holy Communion on a regular basis, providing a bridge between the congregation and home-based members. These people have a sense of mission, are responsible, have compassion, are non-judgmental and can keep confidences. They are servants of the Lord who bring the blessings of their congregation to God's children with special needs.
Lay Liturgists | Liturgists are congregation members who volunteer to open worship with announcements and to read the lessons during the church services. They serve on an occasional basis. If you are interested in serving as a lector, please contact the church office.
Lay Speakers/Preachers | Is God calling you to help spread the Good News? Do you feel a burning desire to talk to others about the things of God? If so, then lay preaching may be the route for you. Lay speakers/preachers are given the work of speaking God's word, praying for others, and serving the congregation's needs. The lay preachers serve FUMC by sharing God's word with the congregation for the Saturday evening service or occasionally on a Sunday morning when the Pastor(s) are out of the pulpit.
Media Ministry (media/sound booth) | For more information on our media ministry, please click here.
Ministry Teams and Committees | There are many committees that lead FUMC and serve this congregation. Serving on a committee is just one way to share your diverse gifts and interact with those who share your interests and values. For more information, please see the Committees Section of this website.
Newsletter Helpers | Bi-monthly, this group meets to help collate and sort the monthly newsletter. If you are interested in serving as a Newsletter Helper, please contact the church office.
Prayer / Prayer Shawl Ministry | For more information on our prayer and prayer shawl ministry, please click here.
Small Group Leaders | The Christian life is lived out with people. We understand that growing one's faith requires the support, attention and nurturing that only small group can provide. Trusting relationships allow us to know one another deeply and to be known. What we receive from God is always matured, tested and developed in the context of people, like you, in God’s Church. Here at FUMC we value the time-proven experience of Christians meeting in home groups for the purpose of Fellowship, Bible Study, Missions, and growing, nurturing, and discipling people to become dynamic followers of Jesus Christ. We offer short-term and long-term classes to allow you to connect with others as you walk together on your faith journey. Our small groups are a way to get to know each other. If you have a suggestion for a small group, or if you would like to connect with a small group, please contact the church office.
Sunday School Teachers | Sunday School teachers are willing to spread the love of Jesus Christ with a group of 6-12 children on Sunday mornings from September through May, have the ability to plan and lead meaningful lessons for Sunday School children, and are willing to serve on a quarterly basis.
Vineyard Ministry Volunteers | For more information on our Vineyard ministry, please click here.