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  • Nursery (Birth through age 3) | First United Methodist Church

    Nursery (Birth through age 4) [ The Little Children and Jesus ] People were also bringin g babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~Luke 18:15-17 While God's littlest blessings are most welcome in all worship services, our nursery provides an opportunity during the 9:00 AM Sunday morning worship service to allow parents to grow in their faith and experience God’s presence without the distraction of an active child. After all, God did not have “stillness and silence” in mind when he created children! Along with providing an opportunity for parents to grow in their faith, our nursery is an exciting place for these little ones to grow in their faith as well as they come to know, love and follow Jesus. This spiritual foundation begins in the nursery for your infants and toddlers, as they are lovingly cared for and enjoy busy active learning as our leaders make the Bible come alive in a meaningful and fun way! PLEASE NOTE...our nursery is a bug free zone! If your child has a fever, runny nose, cough, diarrhea, unknown rash, discharge from the eyes, illness being treated with antibiotics for less than 24 hours please keep them at home. We look forward to seeing them when they are feeling better. ​ Little Blessings Nursery Policies & Procedures ​ Hours of Operation & Age Limitations Only children from birth through 4-years-old will be allowed in the nursery. Parents of this age-group must be on-site in the event of an unforeseen emergencies. Parents are encouraged to check-in up to 15-minutes after the start of the worship service to reserve your child’s place and so that a nursery caregiver is available should you decide to utilize the nursery at any point during the service. If no children are registered by that time, the nursery may close allowing caregivers the opportunity to worship. Only attendants who have been trained under the Safe Sanctuary policy will be allowed in the nursery. Classroom Check-in and Check-out There is a sign-in sheet located on top of the bookcase where parents MUST sign-in each child. This sheet must be completed weekly! A registration form with details of the child’s age, parent’s information, allergies, etc. must be completed prior to use of the nursery annually and updated as needed. All children’s belongings must have name identification (diaper bags, cups, etc.). Children will only be released into the custody of those listed on the information sheet. Diaper Changing and Bathroom Trips Parents should supply diapers, wipes, a burp pad, and a change of clothing for their child each time they drop off their child. Due to Safe Sanctuary Guidelines, parents are the only ones permitted to do diaper changes. Children who are potty trained may use the nursery restroom on their own. Discipline Policies Physical punishment is forbidden for all nursery caregivers, including parents who serve in a room with their own children. The only discipline allowed in the nursery is time-out which should be limited to the age of the child (for example, 2 minutes for a 2-year-old). Scolding, harsh words and physical punishment of any kind is forbidden. If the child’s behavior could cause physical harm to another child such as biting, hitting, throwing things, etc., then nursery caregivers will get the parent from the service and require that the parent keeps the child with them in worship that day. Children who have been removed may return to the nursery the following week. Repeat offenders will not be allowed to return. Food Parents must label all bottles and sippy cups with the child's name. FUMC does NOT provide formula, bottles, or baby food for infants. FUMC DOES provide snacks (crackers, cookies, pretzels, etc.) for toddlers. Please make sure nursery caregivers are aware of any food allergies. Meals will NOT be fed to children, even if parents provide the food. Wellness Policy For the protection of all children and caregivers, neither children nor caregivers with any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours will be admitted into the nursery: ​ Fever Vomiting or diarrhea Untreated pink eye or other eye infection Rash Sore throat Runny Nose Persistent coughing or sneezing Drainage from ears Lice, including the presence of eggs or nits COVID, RSV or flu symptoms not listed above We understand that a child may end up getting ill during their stay in the nursery. If a Nursery Caregiver suspects a child does not meet the standards of the Wellness Policy, they will notify the parent and request that the child remains with the parent that week. If your child isn’t feeling well, we encourage you to worship with us online at: and look forward to seeing you next week! Medications Nursery caregivers CANNOT administer any medication (this includes Benadryl, teething or diaper rash ointments). If your child needs medication or treatment during their stay in the nursery, you MUST come to administer necessary medications. In the event of a sudden allergic reaction, parents will be notified immediately, and Benadryl will be available for parental administration until proper medical personnel can attend to the situation. ​

  • Youth - Middle School | First United Methodist Church

    Email our Youth Director to learn more! Middle School (Grades 5-8) iGnite Youth Ministry exists to love God & love others. iGnite is geared for students in grades 5 through 8 who want to make a difference in their church, community, and world for Christ! ​ The group is being led by: Mr. David Williams Mrs. Renee Williams Ms. Stacey Lehman Click to view our Calendar of Events "Fun"-Raisers! Youth in grades 5-8th are welcome to COME, GROW & GO with us! ​ ​ …as we COME together to know Christ as our Lord & Savior by experiencing fun-fil l ed faith d uring our weekly small group as we build stronger relat ionships with Jesus and each other! ​ ​ …a s we G ROW in Christ b y being youth who worship, study, pray, serve and fellowship togeth er …as we GO serve by showing Christ through action, attitudes, words, and service by being ​ " For our Neighbors" throughout the year, where you can make a difference by helping to collect food for the hungry, showing compassion for animals at the local shelters, and spreading the Gospel through various outreach events. ​

  • Children (Age 4 to 4th Grade) | First United Methodist Church

    Connection Classes for Children [ The Little Children and Jesus ] People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~Luke 18:15-17 Sunday School Connection Classes for children ages 4 through 4th grade are held Sunday mornings from 10:30 am – 11:30 am during the school year. Classes begin with large group time as we sing, dance, fellowship, and learn about the Bible lesson of the week and are followed by small group learning in individual rooms as children share and apply what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Our Sunday School program is a place where games, activities, contemporary music, and creative teachings of the Bible truths are used to reach this generation of kids in a way that is fun and relevant to them. Shepherded by loving adult leaders who teach and model for them what it means to be a follower of Jesus, your child will be supported, encouraged, and prayed for as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.

  • 2021 Small Group Plan | First United Methodist Church

    The Discipleship Council's 2021 Small Group Plan was developed based on the June 23, 2019 FUMC Discipleship Plan and approved on March 23, 2021. If you have any questions on the 2021 Small Group Plan, contact the church office or any member of the Discipleship Council to discuss further. 2021 SMALL GROUP PLAN visual overview of the FUMC discipleship process

  • Youth Form(s) | First United Methodist Church

    PHOTO RELEASE FORM All Photographers (professional and non-professional) taking photographs on First United Methodist Church property of events must obtain a signed release form from any and all persons or members of the public who is visibly recognizable in the photograph. Crowd scenes where no single person is the dominant feature are exempt. These rules govern photographs intended for use in any publication of marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, view books, promotional or other such material. Releases also must be obtained for photographs and other forms of media used in slide presentations, on the church website, directory, newsletter, brochure, or in any other material. A failure by you to notify the church of your desire “not” to have your photo in any publication or web view is an automatic understanding that you do not object in any way of the use of any and all photographs of you by First United Methodist Church. ​ By completing the Photo Release Form, you hereby grant First United Methodist Church permission to use yourself or your family’s likeness in photograph(s)/video in any and all church publications, marketing materials, websites, brochures, and all other related media, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by First United Methodist Church and will make no monetary or other claim against First United Methodist Church for the use of any and all photograph(s)/videos of me or my family. ​ ​ ​ Photography consent & release form First Name Last Name Email Date of Birth Initials I hereby give my consent to use my photographs according to the terms & conditions Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Youth - Summer Bible Study | First United Methodist Church

    A Charlie Brown Christmas Party! Children ages 4 and older are invited to join us for pizza, games, a movie, & a craft on Sunday, December 10 from 4-7 PM while parents can get ready for Christmas or enjoy a night out. Registration is free but a must! Register by filling out the form below by December 3 . Registration for Charlie Brown Christmas Party Parent's First Name Parent's Last Name Email Phone Number of Children Attending Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Youth Ministry | First United Methodist Church

    ​ Opportunities for Christian Discipleship and Fellowship at FUMC... The teen years are critical times for a healthy connection with a church family and we believe our youth carry great potential to be disciples who make disciples as they seek to live out their faith together - as one big family of faith. Our iGnite youth are truly world changers who are hungry and thirsty for more of God and long for authentic relationships with Him and each other. We tackle topics that are meaningful to students today. We believe in equipping and empowering young people to be the hands and feet of Christ - to be servant leaders in a world that is longing for something worth living and dying for. We find no greater cause, than the cause of Christ. Feel like something is missing in your life? Seeking something more? Come check us out! ​ We provide weekly opportunities for teens to grow in their relationship with the LORD and with each other. Please view our calendar for specific dates, times, and locations of upcoming events. ​ ​ iGnite Jr. for students in grades 5 through 8. ​ iGnite Sr. for students in grades 9 through 12. ​ ​ iGnite Jr. High Calendar of events iGnite Sr. High Calendar of Events ​ ​ ​ To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • FUMC Discipleship Plan | havenfirstumc

    FUMC DISCIPLESHIP PLAN Our Mission is to make Disciples of Jesus Christ... with five key steps in our discipleship process: ​

  • My Faith Stories | First United Methodist Church

    MY FAITH STORIES My Faith Stories is a Discipleship Council initiative. Each Story contains a situation, an event, its impact, an "experiencing God" relevant Bible reference and are contributed primarily by members of our congregation. The stories are "mapped" into one of the five steps in the FUMC Discipleship Plan: "Experience God," "Follow the Lord Jesus," "Share Life Together," "Serve the Body of Christ" and "Invest in Others." Click on the Story Title of interest. This opens a link to the full text of the Story that can be read on-line or downloaded for later. If you have any questions or have Faith Stories to share, contact the church office or any member of the Discipleship Council to discuss further. Experience God "My story about the Goodness of God " ~ Sevenia "God heard my prayer, my plea" ~ Ann "prayer moves mountains" ~ Nigel "God makes a way ," when we trust Him ~ Liz "God showed me I had to take a step and then another step..." Ted "This book (Experiencing God) has changed my expectations and understanding of serving God." ~ Karen "My grief helped me minister to those who are grieving " ~ Lynne Follow the Lord Jesus "My faith gave me the Strength to 'pull up my roots'... to Save my son's life" ~ Wanda "Would I be able to make other Obligations , if I started to Tithe ?" ~ Suzie "God has opened many doors during my life" ~ Brian "..... this insensitive joking burned me in my heart ." ~ Dave Share Life Together "I was Flying High , as far as the secular world was concerned" ~ Bill "I discovered a Big Void in my life." ~ Connie "Why Me Lord? " ~ JoAnn "how a Small group actually changed my life " ~ Eydie "I joined a small group and began experiencing the intense love God makes available to all of us." ~ Gary "I Heard God's Voice " ~ Doug Serve the Body of Christ "Having faith and trusting in God has Produced Results I never expected" ~ John "I never knew I had a Food Ministry , until one of our church members asked me about it" ~ Jean "we were strangers, and they took us in" ~ Dwight "My church family covered me with prayer " ~ Julie "God is the reason I've made it this far." ~ Bonnie Invest in Others "Attending church and having a strong faith in God, helps Heal the Scars from being Bullied as a teenager" ~ Randy "Never give up on God's assignments for you." ~ Joanne "I believe, and have always felt, each church member should bring their own personal Bible, perhaps with notes, to church or to study sessions." ~ Mike

  • Messages | First United Methodist Church

    MESSAGES Streamed Recordings Beginning March 22, 2020, FUMC started to live-stream the worship services. These streamed services can be found through the website , through our Facebook page , on YouTube , or Vimeo . ​ Podcasts We offer an archived library of podcasts from our regular weekly and holiday services prior to March 22, 2020, in two formats: (1) contains just the scripture and message or (2) if your preference is to listen to the entire worship service (announcements, music, prayers, etc.), please contact the Church Office at 570.385.3941 or send an email to to request a copy of the service on CD. ​ ​ Our prayer is that each of these messages will touch and bless each of you in some way.

  • Youth Permission Form | havenfirstumc

    iGnite Youth Ministry Permission Form 2024-2025 Youth & Family Ministries Permission & Release Form This Parental Consent, Photo Release, Emergency Contact and Health Form gives permission for my child to participate in any youth activities sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven, a local church within the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church and shall be valid from May 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. GENERAL PERMISSIONS ​ I give permission for the youth named below to participate in First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven’s iGnite Youth Ministry activities and events both on-site and off-campus from May 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. Although minimal, I am aware that some activities or events may involve physical activity where my youth may be at risk for physical injury (running outside, ball tag, capture the flag etc.). In such, I agree to hold First United Methodist Church, Schuylkill Haven, its staff, and volunteers harmless should any such injury occur. I give my permission for my youth to be transported in vehicles operated by the adults in whose care the minor has been entrusted while attending and participating in these events. I will ensure that my youth will not bring any electronic games or devices except for a cellular phone to Youth Group activities. Boundaries and guidelines of usage will be expected of students and must be supported by parents. ​ I understand that the First United Methodist Church, Schuylkill Haven, its staff, and volunteers, are committed to safe, fun, and educational activities, and that all activities are conducted in a smoke, alcohol, and drug-free environment. To help ensure the safety of all concerned, I understand that if my youth is in possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products, engages in any illegal conduct or refuses to follow the directions of the Youth staff or volunteers participating in the scheduled activities that I will be telephoned immediately to pick up my youth. MEDICAL TREATMENT & LIABILITY RELEASE In the event of a medical emergency, I declare that I am the child or youth’s parent or legal guardian and hereby authorize the First United Methodist Church youth ministry staff or volunteers, as agents for me, to consent to medical attentions as advised and supervised by professional nurses, doctors or dentists should I be absent or unavailable to make such decisions. This authorization extends to any emergency room admission and treatment as an inpatient, considered necessary by the attending physician. I understand that, in such an emergency, I will be contacted as soon as possible. I, hereby hold the First United Methodist Church staff, volunteers, event staff and their representatives harmless in the exercise of this authority. It is my understanding that the below named student will be covered by my personal medical insurance. First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven provides limited supplemental medical payment coverage for injuries arising out of the event activities which is payable and access of any collectible insurance. Payment of any medical injuries not covered by my insurance, or the event limited supplemental medical insurance will be paid by me. PHOTO RELEASE I hereby grant First United Methodist Church permission to use me or my family's likeness in photography/video in any and all church publications, marketing materials, websites, brochures, and all other related media. A failure by me to notify the church of my desire "not" to have photos in any publication or web view is an automatic understanding that I do not object in any way of the use of any and all photographs by First United Methodist Church of Schuylkill Haven. I hereby provide the information below to give my consent to the General Permissions, Medical Treatment & Liability and Photo Release. ​ Parent's Signature Clear Submit Thanks for submitting!

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